
  Because truly, that’s what I do best.  Is that a word?  I’m not sure.. but you know what I’m referring to.  So here goes…  (I might have had some high octane chocolate a few minutes ago.. just hush)

  I’m plagerizing today by posting a healthy gluten-free pancake recipe my fitness friend Joey put on FB .. if she says it’s good, it’s probably good because she’s picky.  Let’s see if she’s paying attention….

Joey’s pancake recipe:

½ cup almond flour
… ½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. baking powder
½ cup egg whites
1 egg

Combine almond flour, cinnamon, and baking powder in a medium sized bowl. Mix in egg whites and egg.

Heat a non-stick sauté pan over a medium heat and melt 1 tsp. of coconut oil. Pour ¼-cup pancake mix into the pan (do this for as many pancakes fit in the pan without over crowding). Once you see the edges begin to bubble, flip the pancake and cook another 40 seconds or so. Remove from the pan and continue this process until you have finished all the batter.

Pancakes make 2 servings (each serving is about 4-5 pancakes).

This cartoon  below is hilarious…. because some of us horse people go just a little nutz with all the blanketing of horses we do during cold weather months. Truth be told, if horses are left to their own devices, they grow a decent coat and as long as they have plenty of food, good body weight and shelter to get out of the bad weather, they don’t really need blankets.   I blanket Opie because he was bred to be a show horse and has never grown a really thick coat.  So to make me feel better, he has a winter blanket.   Our show horse Max is blanketed because he also doesn’t grow a thick coat, and we don’t WANT him to because he is worked almost daily and the sweating and drying would be a real nuisance and not good for him if he had thick winter coat hair.

(pulled this off FB on iphone, pardon the weird graphics… )

 Look at this guy sporting a tartan hood.

We’re about to get some crumby winter weather again… more snow, sleet, freezing rain,  general yuck.  So while the sun was shining today I took Ben out for the exercise we both need.

His mom was cold.  

17 thoughts on “Randomocity”

  1. What a beautiful plaid jacket! I had a gluten free pancake mix from Trader Joe's so this morning I decided to try my hand at making them. They were "okay" but I could only eat one. The good news is that the chickens LOVED the batter.

  2. Oh my! He is so cute and so embarrassed! haha! I think he would rather have his blankie on the floor in front of the fire! Stay warm these next few days. It sure looks like a big storm headed your way. The pancakes look like something I would like…with some spreadable fruit on top! Hugs!

  3. David wanted breakfast this morning and we always something with eggs, onions, bell peppers, hash browns, but there has been so much talk lately on a few blogs about pancakes that we did them instead. They were yummy… can't remember the last time we had had them.

    I'm cold too… maybe I need a pretty plaid coat like that too! 🙂

  4. Now why egg whites and one egg? Just curious.

    These look delicious and I'm "borrowing" this recipe. Heh!

    I might have to wait a bit though because I'm at the beginning of a cleanse. Pray for me and I'll report back if I have any weight success.

  5. I'm all over this Miss Karen! BTW – you can tell your friend that asked about the eggs – I don't like to use just egg whites as I want the fat content high but was not sure how whole eggs would affect the texture. But I cracked 2 eggs and poured the whites into a half cup measure and it wasn't quite a half so I threw a whole egg in and the counted ended up being 2 egg whites and 2 whole eggs. Nest time I make the pancakes I plan to use 3 whole eggs.

    Also! I want to make them with out cinnamon and add savory herbs and use them as soft taco shells – specifically for my YUM shrimp tacos. Very excited to find yet again a carbless recipe that I can eat with pleasure. It's my mission in life as of late!!

    PS – LOVE the cartoon!!! Happy BLIZZARD!!!! I'm loving the anticipation and permission to do nothing but I am concerned about the power. Why is it I lived a good 50 years here in the "country" with barely a power outage and now we are all freaked that a mere snowstorm will put us out of commission for a week. Sigh..so much for progress.

  6. I've made gluten free pancakes before that were delicious, but I rarely make them, because even though they're GF, I still feel better without "bread/bread-like" products.
    I used to put a jacket on my springer when he was old and had arthritis, he Loved it. He would strut around like "Hey, look at me, I am so cool!"

  7. LOL! I don't blanket my horses because they get really thick coats, but I used to have a thoroughbred mare that was 17.1 and had no winter coat to speak of (she was an exracehorse). I blanketed her during the winter.

  8. love the coat cause now he looks all warm and toasty, just like the horses.
    I'm glad it brunt of it is over. Have fun digging out and enjoying all that fresh snow powder. Nothing quite like it….
    peace n abundance,

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