
… that is SO a word.

 We’ve had beautiful weather lately except for one thing.  No rain.  None. Nuthin.  Nada.  And that means we are living in a pollen and dust bowl.  Hello Allegra/Zyrtec/Claritin/Flonase.    I haven’t used any of that stuff yet, but I probably should.  Itchy, sneezy, general feeling of yuck – *sigh

 Anyway.. on to the other random

   We had a glorious Memorial Day Weekend – time spent with family enjoying good food, good weather, a frisbee and good horses, it’s all good.

  Timely, we watched American Sniper… wow, what a story.  And if you need a dose of reality, this movie is it.  The horrors our soldiers endure is hideous.  The mentality over there is … I don’t have an appropriate word for it.  What an incredible man, what a tragic end.

 On to better things –  K & Opie – I’ve been lax in the riding department and Kris has been giving him some much needed exercise.

I just found this funny – 

 A Mother’s Day gift from my son – I love it. At night it casts a lovely
glow over the kitchen sink.  

Speaking of my son – he traded in his car for a really rad
Jeep.  You know we love our Jeeps around here… 
He’s the Black Jeep Of The Family. 
The fellow next to him is my cousin Kev. 
A finer man you might never know – 
He taught my son all about the joys of
GOING TOPLESS the other day…
because sometimes that’s how we roll.