
That’s all she wrote today…Mother Nature.
I had some plans.
I wanted to take Ben down to the beach for a walk
but it’s too raw.
I wanted to go up to the barn and brush the horses…
but it’s too damp.
So..I did what I had to… cleaned the stalls and the chicken coop,
did my yoga  and attempted a peaceful mind (ha!) for these achy shoulders.neck.back..
took a shower and shook off the chills…
and trudged out into the grey day in my trusty Jeep.
(have I told you lately how much I love my Jeep?)
I looked over some good second cut hay that will be delivered tomorrow
(because OUR hay was wet when baled, and then turned moldy – live and learn)
and I did the weekend grocery shopping a day early.
There’s a loaf of Banana Bread in the oven…
with chocolate chips added just because I can.
I am attempting to eat Gluten and Dairy free
whilst still feeding my family the stuff we usually eat. 
Oh, that’s fun. 
“No, you can’t make the bed!  I’m still in it!!”
I usually make the bed before I leave to do anything in the morning.
Something about leaving an unmade bed doesn’t feel right.
Today when I left for hay and grocery detail…
I left the bed unmade.
I actually thought about it while I was out and about. 
When I came home I thought about leaving it unmade, period.
It’s made.
I am not OCD.  I’m not even a cleaning nut. 
 When did I become so anal about bedmaking, I ask you.
I  think this is the prettiest rose I have ever seen…
husband sent some to me and some to grown-up girl…
 because sometimes that’s how he rolls 🙂

 I hope you’re having a good day, gloomy or not.
As I type this, the dogs are at my feet
and the aroma of almost done banana bread threads through the house.
I hope you are surrounded by things that bring you Joy too…

30 thoughts on “Raw”

  1. It sounds like you are having one of those perfect days! A little of everything. I like those. If it makes you feel any better, I am anal about making my bed in the morning. It HAS to made and made perfectly. My MIL never made her bed but she couldn't stand a dish in the sink. I guess we all have our priorities!


  2. Very gloomy here again today. Beautiful yesterday which was a nice break. I have to make the bed or my day is thrown off. I guess I am anal when it comes to the bed. Beautiful roses and I can smell the banana bread.

  3. Very gloomy and grey and raining here but will make this best of it. I wonder if banana nut bread goes bad in mail 🙂 justa kidding !!!

  4. Well, Karen, it's gloomy here today as well! I can't leave the bedroom with the bed unmade…it's a "thing" I have to do. But, I do love the pooch in yours & would love to try putting chocolate chips in banana bread!!..:)JP

  5. Oh, your roses are so pretty. And seriously? You are going gluten AND dairy free? And continuing to make regular food for the family?
    You need a superman cape for sure.

    but how do you feel?

  6. Those roses are gorgeous! Oops, I better go check my bed though… hmmm not sure I made it or not? I just ate the last of my banana bread today, its like a staple in our house. I feel like I just spent the day with you 🙂

  7. i never make my bed but am planning on a bedroom makeover when i get home and then i know that bed of ours will be made….at least for a month or so 🙂

    let me know how that gluten/dairy free diet is going….xoxo

  8. Someone looks mighty comfy! Love that rose! I have threatened hubby since early in our marriage, not to buy me flowers, because I can't stand to see them die. However, I can't seem to get him to stop buying me candy. I'm convinced he likes my butt big!

  9. Gorgeous roses! Banana bread? Yum!
    I have been a vegetarian (also wheat/gluten free) since college. J is a meat and potatoes kind of guy, but we manage to co-exist in the kitchen! LOL! I usually fix things for me that he can also chow on with whatever meat item he has made for himself. It was a learning experience when we first moved in together for sure! J buys all of "his" groceries from a local organic farm, as do I.

    Rain again here today. It is becoming an every other day thing!
    But, if you have pups at your feet, the world is right!!
    xo, misha

    p.s. did you get a refund on your hay? I have had asked for this many times!

  10. It sounds like you know how to make the best of a "raw" day. You sure got a lot done in spite of it tho. If I were you I would have just climbed back into that soft cozy looking bed with that cute little pup and taken a long nap! Oh, and then I would have gotten up for tea and had a piece of that awesome sounding banana bed with chocolate chips, yum!

  11. Such a lovely, warm, comfy post. Nice.

    We get our hay from a farmer in the next village. Most packs/bales are good, but occasionally there's a mouldy one. Hay making is an art! We can return them and get a new one, no problem. That's great, but I get very frustrated when I open a bale and it turns out to be a bad one. Have to put it aside, open another one and hope for the best. Not my thing.

    I'm anal about the fridge. Everything has to be straight and in line in the fridge. No crooked angles. Every milk carton straight in front of the other. Hubs does not care. He just chucks things back into the fridge. Big *sigh*

  12. Good for you for continuing to stick w/ it – even when it gets tough!

    No banana bread for me. Not even with chocolate chips. Not even if you poured chocolate over it and put a scoop of ice cream on top.

  13. The roses are glorious! I think that might be the most beautiful rose I've seen too. Regarding making the bed, I couldn't have disturbed that little darling either. When I was younger, I was always so rushed and busy, I thought why make the bed, I'm just going to mess it up again tonight. I'm older, life is great, and I have to make the bed as soon as getting out of it. I guess things change as life does.

  14. I do have to make the bed every morning. It is a ritual I do while tidying up & saying my prayers every morning. I often wondered who else did this anymore? 😉 And yes, that rose is perfect! But then again, so are you! <3

  15. 1. I LOVE my Jeep as well! In fact, we're a 2 Jeep family! My Wrangler and hubs Liberty. LOVE THEM!

    2. I HAVE to make my bed. Every day. The end.

    3. I too am trying to rid myself of gluten and sugar. So hard.

    4. smooches to your hubs for those lovely flowers.

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