Reality in small doses

This weekend both chicks were in the nest
and I reveled in it.
Oh, they were here and there, riding lessons,
bon fires, football games,
but at the end of the day… they were in their beds,
we were all under the same roof.
It occurs to me… too frequently as of late…
that this will soon not be the case.
College girl will graduate this year and we looked at a possible
condo living situation in another town she is kind of excited about.
The manchild came home with his school portrait package on Friday..
and I wanted to say..
Who’s THIS??
He’s growing in leaps and bounds…and when we viewed
said condo… he said..
“This would be pretty awesome, I could share it with one of my friends!
And.. I’m thinking of taking a year off from school before I
go to college.  I could live here!…”
and.. I don’t think so.
(insert alarm bells, fog horns, sirens, whistles and cuckoo bird calls)
and throw in a Xanax. or two.  
I’m so not ready for this.
I know it’s healthy and natural and
the correct order of things …
to have ambitions and dreams
and to set them in motion.

Oh, I hear the banter from some of my friends…
“Can’t wait for the kids to move out of the house”
“Won’t it be nice to have the freedom again
Not me… I miss the playdough on the counter
and matted in the rug.
Stepping on legos…
braiding ponytails..
playground playdates…
Oh, do I miss the trick-or-treat evening strolls
through neighborhoods full of excited ghosts and goblins
(more like power rangers and Belle of Beauty & the Beast)
all armed with bags full of loot and rosey cheeks..

I’m a bit envious of those  who look forward to the empty nest.
It would be so much easier to let go, you know?

23 thoughts on “Reality in small doses”

  1. I so feel your pain…..I still have one in the nest for another 3 years, but she's growing up in front of me and finding her own path….nobody really prepares moms for the empty nest, how can they? We still find that a good game of Scrabble, Life or yes,even Candyland (believe it!) can do wonders when they come home to roost for a holiday!!

  2. we loved the empty nest, only because both kids were still no more then 15 minutes away from us and stopped by often…
    but, then the boy had to move back home and has been here since august 1st.
    at first it was horrible, but now, we've all remembered how to live with each other and it's been fun at times.
    but in all honesty….i really liked the empty nest 🙂

  3. It takes a while to get used to it but this is what we prepare them for…I thank my lucky stars all of my nieces and nephews are good kids..and they all have left their nests when it is time…we know we did our job well when it is time for them to leave.

  4. I will never look forward to an empty nest. I can barely stand the thought that she will be 6. It kills me. I made a vow on the night she was born to never ever say, 'I can't wait for her to…" and I haven't. It just helps me to slow down and enjoy each and every moment. Ugh… kills me…

  5. Where does the time go?

    I have step-daughters that were older when I married so I don't really know what you're going through but it has to be difficult. They're gorgeous kids and seem to be heading down the right path thanks to you & hubby's hard work of raising them… kudos!

  6. The time flies and then they do! I'm still trying to adjust to the empty nest. It's the hardest adjustment I've ever had to attempt.

  7. You know, I didn't realize this was "college girls" last year! Wow. They are both so beautiful, Karen.

    It'll be okay. 🙂

  8. I PANICKED when my first daughter outgrew her preemie clothes, then NB…on and on. I just wanted her to stay an eensy weensy little baby forever…and now I'm so enjoying her at at this two year old stage. I'm so hoping for you that something about this stage will be enjoyable…that there will be new things to revel in and talk with them about.

    But gosh, I bet it would be hard to have 'em move right out.

    I 'bout roared at your insert sirens, etc here.

  9. You will find that when the time comes it will flow into your life just as it should…and you will find that your sadness will be hidden under the cover of the pride you feel as you watch them make their way into young adulthood. And then one day…you will find yourself staring into the eyes of a grandchild that looks suspiciously like your own child at that age. It is an amazing moment. And you will do it all-just as you should-when the time comes. xo Diana

  10. I worried for so long about the empty nest as it was approaching. In my case it hasn't stayed empty- youngest just turned 26 and she and her 2 yr. old son are moving back in and I pick him up from daycare several days a week. Eldest daughter(mother of four) is having health problems and cannot drive for a year, so I am back to driving kids around to help out and doing the grocery shopping after I have worked all day. All in all I'm exhausted! I may run away!lol

  11. I miss trick or treating too Karen and it's been quite awhile since I have gone! It is very difficult to make the transition, but I just know you will accomplish it flawlessly…just as you do everything else!! Time really does fly. I haven't a clue as to where it goes. My daughter has her own business? Where did THAT come from??? Now. I feel old.

  12. This is my first year with an empty nest. I thought it would be harder than it was, but I think my daughter being off to college helped. Last year my son moved to Ohio and my daughter moved to Arizona all within a week of each other. That was hard. My youngest moved out a few months ago. I find tears in my eyes and pain in my chest when I see little children between the ages of one and five. It just about kills me knowing I will never have my own little child again. Guess I'll have to wait for grand children.

  13. Perhaps you just need a nice, friendly, adorable, albeit a little sick, puppy to take your mind off the empty nest? I'm just sayin… 😉

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