Reality Shot

  It’s one of my least favorite chores in the house.
I love to cook, but hate the clean-up.
Sometimes that mess will sit till the next morning…
much to the Mr’s chagrin.  

 What about you… are you a “get it done before bed” kinda person
or can you “let it sit.”.

30 thoughts on “Reality Shot”

  1. I am definitely a let it sit kind of mom is the opposite…practically washing the plate before you are even finished eating..I swore I would never be like that…and every once in a while I will go jogging in the morning and I will come home to a sparkling kitchen thanks to my hubs….makes my day!

  2. I hate waking up to the chore, so I actually do them as I cook and prepare. Before I begin cooking, I make sure the dishwasher in empty so I can reload as I'm making the next mess. I wash cutting boards and knives right after I use them… Jeez, now I'm sounding completely uptight, but I'm really not.
    BTW, your dishes are so pretty!

  3. Karen,
    Jack and I have an agreement! He will prep and clean up if I will cook for him. Otherwise I probably would not cook as much and the mess would be there in the morning.

  4. I HATE doing dishes!! I love to cook, but hate the clean up. I am on vacation this week and the weather is gorgeous so I have been outside… kitchen looks like a tornado! Thanks for letting me confess!

  5. It takes a brave woman to publish a photo of her sink full of dishes. This could start some sort of trend.

    The arrangement that me and my Mr. have always had is that I cook and he cleans the kitchen afterward. Even if the dishes aren't done after dinner, and they sit till morning, they're not my job so I don't worry about it.

  6. In our house we have an unspoken deal. He cooks, I clean it up… I cook, He cleans it up… but the dishwasher is always filled and running by bedtime. No matter how tired I am I simply can't leave my sink full of dirty dishes. Nope, just can't.

  7. Walter cooks breakfast and I clean it up. I cook supper and Walter cleans it up. We have an agreement that we are mindful of the mess we're making as we cook. And if either of us makes a big mess (burns rice to the bottom of the pan, the cooker takes the cleaning responsibility for those items.

    This solution fits our schedule best.

  8. We sort of wash dishes throughout the day since we don't use our dishwasher with just two of us. But I am definitely more the slacker since I don't like putting the dishes away.

  9. i'm totally okay with letting things sit until tomorrow. but if the water in the sink is already warm/hot, i'll probably go ahead and wash 'em up and get it done rather than waste water again later (big drought, you know…)

  10. I always try to get it done before bed, but sometimes the dishwasher is too full so they must wait their turn! Actually the hubs and I made a deal when we got engaged. If I cooked, he would clean up for the first 50 years. I never cooked in college, but when we got married, I cooked all the time so it wasn't what he bargained for, but he sticks to it. Now though, I do the clean up too so he can have some fun time with Jemma before bed. I don't mind it! It is a little mommy time to myself! Always helps with a glass of wine too!

  11. I have to confess to a big lazy streak! I often leave the mess til the next day, but I did partly clean up the mess last night from hubby's spaghetti! He's a much messier cook than me!
    I've been so busy and tired I've gotten a little (no, a LOT) behind on my blog reading! Too tired to post too. Chip's story touched me so much–so much suffering–I can't hardly stand it. Made a donation, and if there are still funds needed by my next paycheck, I'll donate again! Hoping and praying he recovers and finds the perfect, wonderful home!

  12. I am THE lousiest housekeeper on the planet, however, I have an obsession with dirty dishes. The house can be damned, but… the dishes MUST be rinsed and stacked, neatly, even if they aren't going to be washed immediately. And never, EVER, is anyone allowed to put a plate with food stuff, on top of another plate with food stuff. (or bowl, or pan, etc…) My kids may not do this at their own homes, but if they value life and limb, they do it at MY house. I hate chiseling dried food off dirty dishes and I never use a dishwasher, other than my own two hands. (Yes, I'm very aware I'm a freak of nature)

  13. I'm a get it done before bed gal!
    Hubby is always very helpful and we get it done no matter how late!
    I try to clean up as I'm done preparing things..this helps alot!

  14. Sashing dishes is my least favorite chore- even behind scrubbing toilets. I live alone now, so most weeks I can get by with washing dishes only once – whether I need to or not 🙂

    No dishwasher here, so 'green' or not, I use paper plates often. Every time I wash dishes, I tell myself I'm going to keep up and do them as I use them. Doesn't work!

  15. No way can I leave it, I'd lay in bed thinking about it and not be able to sleep. I'm a Virgo though, we are generally neat freaks.

  16. The rule in our house is whoever cooks doesn't have to do the clean up and since I usually do the cooking Mr O usually cleans up…and he does it right away! If I have the clean up though I am much more likely to leave it until the morning:)

  17. I'm not the best at housecleaning but I can't let it sit. I HATEEE the cleanup but it makes me nuts to wakeup to a sink full of dirty dishes and pans. The easiest way for me is to clean as I go but that rarely happens. If only I could twitch my nose…

  18. My attitude is…the person it bothers the most should be the person cleaning up the mess. -LOL- I can let dishes sit overnight and all day if need be. Our lives are such that dirty dishes are SO not important when compared when life's, sometimes, ugly realities.

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