
 When they found what they thought was a safe neighborhood
to raise their children, they quickly claimed the lot of their choice
and built their home.
Within days of moving in, it was evident they had made a
tremendous mistake.
They asked themselves why they hadn’t taken note of  the traffic…
or the rowdy crowd on the other side of the hedges.
Soon, the riff-raff invaded their space, making it clear they weren’t
welcome. Every day there was heckling and ruffled feathers. 
So, they did the only thing a young couple can do when faced with
such adversity. They abandoned  their well built brand new home…
..and moved to the other side of the slider. 

OOookay then!

18 thoughts on “Relocation”

  1. lol…I love this post, was also wondering….I had a bluebird build it's nest in a bottle outside my husband's machine shop door…while we were out of town, then when we returned, they realized that he goes in and out many, many times a day. You would see a bird shoot out of the bottle whenever he exited or walked to the shop. Second nesting they moved to the bottle on the other end of the building away from the door. I love watching birds nest! Enjoy!

  2. Lol i love your stories when atthe first i have no.idea whats going to happen (thiller) lol. Glad they found a home! ! Have a great day

  3. Cardinals build their nest in one particular bush at the front of our house EVERY year and then they freak when the dogs walk buy and sniff their bush. Bird brains I tell ya… bird brains.

  4. I forgot about the birds too! Whew! That's like the ducks that built their nests in the middle of our busy school parking lot…and then looked so upset when students and cars invaded their space. Oy. Created a lot of extra stress for those of us who wanted to protect them as well. Double oy.

  5. I was hoping…I mean thinking This Old House was for sale. II saw your title and said to my wife, "We're moving to New England."

  6. There's that word again…slider. How is it I've lived this long and didn't know the patio door was called a slider? I've heard it several times this last week…amazing!

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