
 Spring took her time this year, but I think it’s safe to say she has arrived full figured and flaunting it. Finally.  When I step outside in the morning the smell of damp earth greets me as I make my way to the coop and barn to tend the critters that make this place a farm.

Garden plots are tilled…
The grass is greening up…

seeds are sprouting in the greenhouse…
We’ve got enough Basil to appease the whole of Italy, I do believe…

There are buds on the trees…

The girls are free roaming whilst I keep watch for circling hawks.

This here is Henrietta… She is a Cochin, and I just love her small stout
vintage look.  She reminds me of chickens you’d find in childrens story books…
When the hawk attacked one of my flock last week and I reported it on FB..
my daughter texted from work…
No, she’s just fine.

..and Andy.. my pretty blue andalusian girl.
I wish I had ordered more of these, they are beautiful and kind.
Yes, chickens can be kind.

The horses have shed a good part of their winter coats
and the shine is coming through.  This is an indication of good feed and hay,
overall good health.

The Mr. has sprayed the fruit trees with oil that helps keep the bugs off..
We lost a few to this wicked winter.

I’m finding it hard not to focus on the horrible events in the news this week..
Such sadness and loss.  Anger, questions.
..I want to know who it was this time… domestic, a lone wolf?
International?  I’m not sure which would be worse.
But life goes on in the season of rebirth…
Life goes on.
PS. I had to remove the anonymous comment ability,
received too much ugly spam. I apologize to those who use this feature often
to join our conversations.  Also, many of you  leave wonderful comments that I’d
like to respond to or thank you for, but your e-mail is blocked.  Just want you to know
your input is appreciated always –  
It’s a new day, all – let’s hope they catch the Fucker responsible for this
monstrosity in Boston and he/they are consumed by their own blackened hell.

19 thoughts on “Renewal”

  1. I kinda love how you capped Fucker. Puts a point right on that comment. I had to stop watching the coverage yesterday because they just keep saying the same things over and over and ultimately they don't know anything. So heinous.

    I feel like I've complained a lot about our spring this year, but yours looks lovely and I'd trade in a minute. It's going to snow again here tomorrow. Grrr! We all have spring fever so badly.

    I will be excited to see your garden beds fill with good stuff.

  2. A young man a few years older than my son, from my town lost both of his legs in the bombing. I also think a home grown terrorist is worse. As Americans we are raised to help each other not hurt each other. On a happier note the farm is looking ready.

  3. I'm glad you just say what so many of us feel…

    Now this is my idea of spring! I soaked in every photo, closed my eyes, clicked my heels three times, opened my eyes- and its still all snow!

  4. Your farm went from wintery to Spring in about a week, it seems. And it all looks so fresh and pretty. And GREEN!!!!

    My mind cannot begin to know how people can be so evil and cruel. There is just too much of it.

  5. Amen

    Seeing a "home grown" farm like yours this a.m reassures me that the world is still a beautiful place. Some days it's hard to remember that.
    and yes catch the little fucker/s soon

  6. Yes, I do too……and I don't care how sad a life the Fucker has had, or what his problems are, or how pathetic he is.
    He needs to suffer.

  7. OMG…i love your last line !!!!

    and how lucky you are that spring is flaunting itself all over the place….we are still swimming, literally, as the rain continues to fall and fall and fall……

    praying for warmth and the smell of the fresh spring earth…..

    hugs !!

  8. How terrible it is to think someone from another country could hate us so much, but how infuriating it would be to be one of our own. If it is they will be sure to parade him around in a bullet proof vest so he is not harmed. The media is relentless in retraumatizing over and over. This is what makes it all worth while to the nuts that do these things.

  9. I love this post Karen. Life goes on and begins over and over again. I'm sad about what happened too, but the kindnesses and service given by others to help those in need is heart warming and encouraging. So proud of the people in this country. Damn the villians – yay for the good!

  10. Spring is a time of renewal – I love watching Mother Nature wake up! I love the smell of Spring in the air! You must smile every morning when you go outside. Hard work, but so worth it.

    One of the injured was a former student of mine . . . So ya, let's get the fucker!!!

  11. I love your farm Karen it is beautiful-I also cant believe what has happened and then I think well they cant get us here in Australia but that's the problem it could be home born terriost.hope in burns in hell-love dee

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