
I’ve had dogs since I was very young.
Mutts, purebreds, adopted, rescued, purchased.
They’ve all been loyal, loving, obedient for the most part.
Except for the piss pot, no more mini dachsunds for me.
There is no question, though, that when you rescue/adopt a dog..
there’s a gratitude not paralleled with any other.
Somehow they know…
and return the favor tenfold.

If you’re local, there will be a fundraiser for Dog Days
next Adoption Event ( to be held in Saybrook in May.)
See flyer below, and come join our efforts this Saturday Night
by purchasing a pasta dinner – just $10, either sit in or take out –
and let’s rescue another 100 dogs~

13 thoughts on “Rescued”

  1. No matter what day it is or if you had a bad day there always glad to see you ! The pasta dinner sounds great I wish I was closer ! I hope you have a great turn out

  2. I love dogs and miss my 2 pugs

    I work part time so thought I can't potty train 2 new puppies so I adopted a neighborhood stray cat that hung around my house looking for food

    I had her , about 6 months, named her Shirley, took her to vet to start shots etc and Shirley is a male neutered cat LOL

    she/he is very happy living with me

  3. You all do such wonderful work.

    Yeah, I think Frasier likes his new digs. 🙂

    IF something happens to HH, I hope Patti doesn't get another dachshund; he's okay but barks at anything and everything. The one before (which also ended up living with me) was Katie Elizabeth, a schnauzer and so sweet. 🙂

    Best of luck this weekend with the horse show. Will be thinking ya'll. 🙂

  4. I don't know what it is about you, but your sense of humor always resonates with me. Piss pot sounds exactly like a name we'd use with one of our pets. Thanks for frequently making me LOL!

  5. I love me some Frazier!!! My sweet Murphy has had a hard two weeks. We didn't even know if she was going to make it last weekend. She has been diagnosed with hepatitis and we made it through this first big flare up. Now something may be up with her kidneys. We are waiting to find out. My old girl has been with me for 15 years. I just don't know what I will do if anything happens to her. She has done an amazing rebound job so far. My old girl!

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