1. I saw several posts I wasn't aware of. Is that because the people that host Roamy, post them on their own blog sites? I had to play catchup.

  2. Thank you for your service to your Country…….Just to share with you folks, i have a new post today on Amish Stories from the Terre Hill days even that was just held in Lancaster Pennsylvania. It was a very hot day but i was able to get i think a few good images from this event. The town is populated with a mix of Amish and old order Mennonites which only adds to its charm. They even have what has become famous in Terre Hill their "outhouse race". The town sits on a hill so it overlooks Lancaster farmland in almost all directions. This is one of my favorite towns to visit because its free from commercialism, so if you are looking for a really all American kind of town with the added bonus of seeing its Amish and Mennonite residents at work and play, then this town is for you. Thanks folks. Richard from Amish Stories..

  3. Oh this is great and I have to play catch up cause something is happening that is clever but I have either forgotten or been missing in action, ha!

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