This is why I love coastal living – oh, it’s true This Old House is about five miles inland, but we’re just a short drive from many shoreline parks, open year round, free through the winter months. Perfect for hikers, shell seekers, dog walkers, etc.
Today the guy and I put some effort into our better health regimen (read that as… holy cr*p, who put this spare tire here and what did you do with my waistline?) We went for a walk at Rocky Neck State Park in Old Lyme, CT.
“ Located on Long Island Sound in the town of East Lyme, 710-acre Rocky Neck is a popular recreation spot. The public now enjoys use of the park because of a few farsighted conservationists who secured the land in 1931, using their personal funds until the State Legislature authorized its purchase.”
A big round of applause, please, for those farsighted conservationists…
This is the stone pavilion, built in 1931, which you can rent for special occasions..
View from the mouth of the stone tunnel under the pavilion
Next time you are walking on an overcast day…
notice that all the colors are so much more vivid.
We tend to hang on to the notion that it is grey and dreary,
but in reality if you look… you’ll see so many more hues
than when the sun is shining.
The same can be said about life, no?
It’s awesome to see the waters along our shores looking cleaner with each year…
Didn’t think it was possible.
We perched here to enjoy the view.. the silence!!.. was magnificent.
As a person who lives with chronic tinitus due to significant hearing loss,
I never “hear” silence. Kind of ironic, isn’t it?
There are 50 bells and whistles going off at all times..
hard to explain.
However… in this peaceful place, there were ONLY those bells and whistles,
nothing else competing with them…
serenity I don’t often experience.
PEACE… of mind.
I like this picture because it is me in a moment of awe…
feeling a real peace deep in the soul. How often do we have that?
It is here in places like this that I find it… nature at it’s best,
away from the bells and whistles of todays world.
This was embedded in the rock outcroppings…..a surveyors mark
Do you know what this is a piece of?
They haven’t changed in 300 million years, that’s almost unimaginable.
Treasures for my garden….
In my opinion, the Hope Diamond is not as beautiful as this shell
and it’s barnacle adornments.
This…. is the sound of serenity…..
I spent the rest of the afternoon in soggy socks, just for you.
You’re welcome.

it really is beautiful. the soft waves, the lichen-covered rocks. peaceful. 🙂
What a beautiful place and so serene! Sorry about your socks. Hope you don't catch a cold!!
It's gorgeous and SOOO worth the soggy socks! xo Diana
Aaaah, the sounds of the waves, moving to and fro. I love that sound. I sleep to it, but it's a pale imitation to the real thing.
Thank you for allowing me to experience this, through your photos and for sacrificing feet in soggy socks, to be able to share it.
What wonderful photos, and the sounds of the waves on the shore are awesome!
How fabulous! You were on that beach and I was on the Gulf coast in shorts! I love your photos of a place I've never been. I love your new banner…the snow going across the black horse is so artistic!
Beautiful photos Karen. Thanks for the hike and the sound of the lake. I love you picture of the horseshoe crab. I haven't seen one in a long time. Thanks
I didn't realize you were that close to the coast. How neat!
Really beautiful and peaceful this time of year. Nice.
When asked what he wanted for gifts, my dad always answered "Just a little peace." I'm really hearing that now!
Your photos are beautiful! Glad you found peace today!
you are SO lucky to live near a coast….one of these days, i hope to have soggy socks myself because of such adventures on the coast i live by 🙂
I love when you and Hubs go places, then share. Beautiful photo's. I'm thinking tinitus (can't sp) was something my dad had also; I'm sorry you suffer with this, Karen.
That video left a lump in my throat-must be the hormones.
I don't think I ever realized you only live FIVE MILES inland. This is beyond amazing to me. oh, to smell "that smell.." I can not fathom. You truly live in such an amazing part of the world.
I also found it so interesting about the folks back in the early thirties buying land and being such amazing conservationists. I have this image of people back in that day, not really foreseeing what would come…does this make sense? Anyway, all so neat.
And yes and amen about the dreary days showing off nature's most vivid colors. 'Tis a great reminder—your whole post is—we have so much to value right before us.
Thank you. Thank you very much for giving us this experience with you. Perfect start to my day.
Thank you Karen…
A moment of respite during busy times.
I loved all the photographs, each one was a favorite.
I love being near or on the water on overcast days too.
I have tinnitus also and know what you mean about never hearing silence.
Again, thank you for sharing more of your beautiful surroundings.
Ahhh- your words and photos exude serenity and peace! How beautiful and tranquil… I can see how rejuvenating and relaxing it would be to spend a few hours here!
Your pics always stir my emotions and "the sound of serenity' provides what you promised. Thank you.
Beautiful pics… beautiful post!
Are those bangs??? LOL!!! You look beautiful! XXX
omg…the sound of waves…the sound of my youth at Todds Point in the off season walking along the beach…sigh. Thanks for the memories!!
Nice post karen. Looks like a really beautiful park, lucky you to be so close. Love the tunnel view.
And a big high five to those farsighted conservationists.
I miss the coast…so much! Yes, we have the lake and just a couple more months and we will be headed up there to open again for the season. I love that section you visited…The RV Park we love is in East Lyme. So glad you found some serenity. And BANGS! :)))