A Roll in the Hay

   Walter has been haying the fields behind This Old House for many years. We’ve asked him to continue the tradition because we don’t have harvesting equipment or cows to feed.  He has both and so he’s happy to oblige.

 The fields have been in a state of neglect for years and are in need of a good dose of fertilizer.  Walter plans to bring in six to ten loads of chicken manure later this year to fortify the soil once again. 

  One of my favorite scents in the whole world is freshly hayed fields. The sound of the tractor putt-putting across the field could lull me to sleep.

You thought this was gonna be a whole different kind of post, didn’t ya.

14 thoughts on “A Roll in the Hay”

  1. Well of course we didn't? Us? Your devoted commenters? We of 12 year-old thoughts and we who giggle inappropriately at inappropriate times?

    On a related note: my best girl-bud and her hubs own a hobby farm and I love going over there when it's haying time. It does smell awesome.

  2. Anytime I hear the phrase "roll in the hay", the first thing I think of is Walter on a tractor.
    Great shots.

  3. hahaha A roll in the hay!!

    You've now made homesick for W. Florida where my mom was raised. In fact, if all goes well I'm planning to go over for the 4th of July weekend. I LOVE the farm~the tranquility~and, yes the smells of freshly mown hay. 🙂

  4. P.S. The little picture I use of Brittney and Ben (up there) was taken when they were kids and we were visiting.

    Okay – bye bye. 🙂

  5. That looks like an oldtimer tractor. But I'm not at all knowledgeable on the tractorfront, so I could be totally wrong and Walter might be very disappointed now.
    But I do like it!

  6. …i love fresh cut hay and it really is an incredible process to watch them lay it into rows and then use the rolling machine to roll it up into nice bundles…true country life…xoxo, mickey

  7. As much as I love watching the farmers work and listening to the tractors….I am so allergic to it and with my asthma…that's the reason I'm inside so much!

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