Roses and rocks

  Glorious weather today – so I did the housework that HAD to be done, and I went outside and finished the little rock rose garden around the greenhouse. I pulled stones from one of the few walls around here that Mr. Type A hasn’t had redone (I know it’s driving him batty, this one unfinished wall…. but I love it as is..SO!)….

I planted some impatiens here because it gets shade for half the day.

  The spacing along this side of the greenhouse is less than perfect because last year we stuck the remaining peonies that we hadn’t killed (poor placement) here just to get them through the winter.  They are so happy here I dont’ want to move them, so this is their permanent ‘hood. 

Grape tomatoes and pepper plants ….
do we DARE put them out?

Three days of rain in the forecast…
I’m soaking up the sun today..
as are the boyz….

Unrelated… another blogger reported that her child is graduating from
8th grade this year… however if I understood it correctly…
the school chooses to call it a “moving on” ceremony
because they don’t want kids to think a GRADUATION
means they can go ahead and quit now if they want to…
and not wait until 12th grade when it is appropriate to use the term
Are you kidding me??
Am I the only one who thinks we’re getting a little too sensitive
for our own good lately?… I mean, really?
Although she was trying to be diplomatic, 
I think the particular blogger feels the same way. 
Just sayin.

23 thoughts on “Roses and rocks”

  1. I think it is ridiculous all the new terms we banter about to soothe fragile egos. I think by grade 8, kids are well aware that they aren't done yet and they won't be "moving on" too well in life if they don't move along to grade 9.

    Your horses are so beautiful.

  2. All of your flowers are so pretty, and I'm envious of your greenhouse and apparent green thumb! We had wonderful sunshine here today as well, I loved every minute of it, even though I was inside most of the day slogging away on the computer. And I think it has all become so ridiculous how we have to phrase everything just so, it's insulting to our kids to think that they aren't smart enough to know what 8th grade "graduation" means!


  3. Well in that case… why do kids "graduate" from kindergarten? That's gagging at gnats in my opinion. Do they think kindergarteners are smarter than 8th graders?

    I'm shocked you haven't posted any super moon photos. I really thought for sure you would.

  4. We are just planting away in our first garden. The back is being tilled up right now for some silver queen corn to be added. I am hoping a tiny green house gets built this year. Glad you had sun today.

  5. Waaaaay tooo sensitive and boy oh boy… how stupid. Sorry 'other' blogger who's child is MOVING ON…. Moving on? Puhleeze. What school came up with this idea? Don't they have better things to do than sit around and think up junk like this?rant rant rant… okay, I'm done now.

  6. Yes, we ARE getting a little too sensitive these days! At the high school where I work, our coach (who is from Boston) was gone all last week. When someone asked him where he was he told her that he was required to go to "diversity" training because he had written up too many black students! It's gotten ridiculous! Maybe the African American cooks at our school should go to "diversity" training! I've seen them chase a boy with Down's Syndrome down to get back the little half pint of chocolate milk he wanted to drink along with his cereal which came with white milk. Then we have to ask them to NOT give extra food to the African American disabled students who run to the cafeteria kitchen for seconds! I do hate racism in all forms, but believe me it works both ways!

  7. Oh- Good – You know, all this politically correct stuff drives me nuts sometimes. You can't call a brat a brat anymore because it might scar those within hearing distance for life.

    I do think we have to be careful not to label people but I gotta tell you…the person that came up with MOVING ON? Yeah…can I say IDIOT? I suppose that's not acceptable either!;>) ask me if I care…. xo Diana

  8. You might want to hold them in the greenhouse . . . it's to be in the 40's in mid-mo this week. and of course it's moving east!
    Love your greenhouse, or brown house as is seems.

  9. Semantics

    This example floors me! When are we going to stop tiptoeing around the fact that some parents need to go to parenting school and stop trying to fix all of their missteps? Step up parents and pay attention.

    Then we can call a brat a brat and a graduation a graduation.


    Love your greenhouse. It's gorgeous.

  10. lovely pictures! so pretty and how nice you can grow those tomatoes.

    As an educator, I agree people are too sensitive and we don't give kids enough credit,I highly doubt there would be an epidemic of 8th grade drop outs due to this "graduation" terminology.

  11. A 'moving on'? How crazy is that! I better not get started! lol Love the beautiful horses and your pretty flowers. DON'T set those plants out yet! Even here in NC we wait until after Mother's day…the weather can get crazy, too! Here's wishing you a crazy kind of day…in a good way!

  12. Well, here it has always been "graduating" from pre-school, kindergarten, 6th grade, then high school. I guess we're just dumbed down southern folks.

    I see lots of buds on that rose bush. Your gardens are looking wonderful. 🙂

  13. Ummm, pretty flowerbed and I loved the previous post with the english daisies. I've been moving my spring flowers from pots to flowerbeds and replacing with summer flowers. Once the heat and humidity arrive, they quit blooming until cool fall temps arrive. If we don't have too bad a winter, they reseed and reward me with a "free" showing! Graduation terms, always seemed funny when I heard the term with Kindergarten too!

  14. Well…Hallmark has a big job ahead of them creating "Moving On" cards! Silly. Very silly.

    Look at all those flowers on your tomato plant! I haven't even bought any yet! I like your flower bed and what I wouldn't do for a greenhouse!

    Enjoy your sunny day…it's nice here too after a lot of rain yesterday!


  15. Hi i am new here, you have a really wide area there. If i am the one like you i will have a large area designated for ornamentals, and another area for vegetables, oh how i love to do that in your setting. At least you dont have free ranged chicken to ruin the vegies! haha.

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