Saturday Junk Hunting

 We’ve just returned from a ride to the Putnam, CT  Antiques Mall
for a little junk hunting. For more info about the area, click here…

  Brought the manchild, but he was less than thrilled

due to the dose of poison ivy his face is sporting.
We picked up cannolis and scones from Victoria Station as a consolation prize.
I am proud to tell you we came home with nothing but those pastries.
No kidding.  You know, there’s just so much STUFF
I’m willing to keep up after, and I have finally realized
that every time I bring home STUFF, no matter how good the
bargain, it’s just one more thing I have to find a place for, dust,
frett over, or forget about until it gets in the way.
I think I just heard a hushed Amen from the mancave.
Anyway, there was some neat STUFF that I almost
woulda taken home if the prices were better.
LOVE this quilt, look at the work! 
But the price tag was $475. – not happening, but oh, did I love it so.   

 Would have loved this too, but where to put it…and another dust collector.
When did I decide to get so practical?  Another Senior moment?

Loved this truck too… but do you see that price tag? $250.
It was behind glass, sorry for the blurr.
I would have bought this in a heartbeat for my Fairy Garden project this summer…
but not for $75.00.

Loved this, no place to put it.

 ADORED this whole little kitchen set up…
how perfect for a little lake house…
or the back porch!!!  Alas, kinda pricey.  
If you can’t read the fine print, a 1907 $5 note, for $70.

 I love the beautiful colors of the broaches, pins, jewelry…

It’s clear the slow economy hasn’t brought down the prices much.
Once it was determined we didn’t need anything there today…
we did what we do best after junk hunting.

As we were leaving Victorias Station bakery and cafe, I noticed half the town had their pink boxes in hand.

My Happy Camper.  This is his good side.

The sky has been blustery and sometimes grey today,
snow flurries here and there… and bright sunny blue too.
You know the saying…
If you don’t like the weather in New England, 
just wait a few minutes and it’ll change.

25 thoughts on “Saturday Junk Hunting”

  1. Lovely, lovely stuff, however, the digital photos are much easier to store than the actual items and never need dusting! LOL!

  2. I'm getting to be the same way — in my 40s, I collected everything! Now, I realized my house can't hold any more. I do have two of those old typewriters, though. 🙂

  3. I love wandering the antique and collectible places. And of course the food after is the best! Only thing missing was the hot coffee…

  4. I thought that line just applied to Maine???

    Anyway, you got to shop in NY, whew, those prices are too high. That's not junking, that's SHOPPING.

  5. My parent's house estate sale is March 10th and 11th. There are TWO of those typewriters! What was that one going for, btw?

  6. I would have found it very hard to walk away from the typewriter, but man…. the only place I would want it would be here in my office and it's already bulging at the seams.

  7. And who said a boy wouldn't get caught carrying a pink box around? What a fun place to poke around in-pricey but nice. I find that I have stopped buying like I used to…that I can pass by a bargain if I don't NEED it…if it doesn't really call my name and I know that I will regret leaving it behind. I have so much STUFF and I start to think about simplifying my life I realize that I don't need so many THINGS. Good job, Karen~ Love your bird…you can now give someone the bird every time you sign your name~ xo Diana

  8. gluten free scones? oh I swoon; I need to come there for the bakery

    And please, I would have LOVED that typewriter. LOVED it!

    Sounds like a heavenly day. Even without getting anything.

  9. Ha, that weather saying applies to Minnesota!!
    Do you find that you don't want any more Stuff in summer too? I find it's a winter thing with me. I'm in the process of getting Stuff ready to take to ARC's (like Goodwill)
    Those prices seemed a bit steep didn't they?!?

  10. I feel the same as you. I seem to think a little more clearly these days before bringing more into my house. I think with the gas prices on the rise, I REALLY think twice before I spend.

  11. I've started making a list of things I'm looking for when we go the antique mall–Currently, I am looking for a brown transferware platter to hang over my stove, and I need a sturdy child's chair to go with the little red table I bought for grandson a couple of weeks ago. I already had a green one, but two would be nice for when his cousin comes over.
    After acquiring so much stuff from both our parent's households and my grandmother's house years ago, I just don't have room for much more. In fact the past couple of months I have been purging every room! It feels good, but I will never be a minamalist!

  12. YIKES on those prices! Sometimes when i see an overload of stuff I just think I will go home and shop my shop..I don't see how they sell much…p.s. I will send you a typewriter..or two..or three..

  13. The quilt is stunning, but I would have left it there for that price too! I'm so lucky that my husband's cousin has made me a stunning quilt, that I will post one day! She's also made me lovely placemats too! I should post them too . . .

    Have a great day!!!

  14. Ha! So you must love watching "American Pickers" tv show!!! They find all kinds of old, cool stuff!

    Those raspberry dark chocolate connolis…YUM! Did you get any of the peanut butter cup cheesecake??

  15. Beautiful collection of 'stuff' here. Love the typewriter, and that gorgeous blue plate. But yes, I know what you mean. And what is up with those prices?

    love your new sig.

  16. ummmm, i think you need to come to wisconsin, to my favorite flea market and find your goodies there….

    those prices….uggh 🙁

    bring an extra bag with you {ups is right down the street from us, too, if shipping is easier} and come spend a weekend with me this summer 🙂

  17. Just that blue wooden(?) bowl on the little kitchen table for me please. Oh, and a pink box filled with goodies. That would make me even happier 😉

    (I wonder what they based their prices for the antique stuff on?)

  18. Pricey stuff, or as Mom used to say, "They sure were PROUD of it!" There's a flea market one town away with all kinds of goodies… you've made me want to go for a visit. The cannoli's and scones, worth every penny!

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