Scene around the Farm..

Barn swallows like to rest under the eaves of our kitchen porch…

Frasier in need of a haircut.  He got it last night..
I’m not showing you the pictures.
  Good thing I didn’t aspire to become a dog groomer.

I love my chickens…..

Happy Perennials instead of annuals in pots or urns… who knew?…
These are chocolate coral bells..

Waiting for the rain….

Coady and Lacey wondering when it will be their turn for pasture time…

Have you done a ladder garden sculpture yet?  If so.. submit photos to me!…

New batch of tomato plants in the ground…
first batch killed by frost.
Live and learn.

Squash, cukes, broccoli, lettuce, beans, peas….

..and finally.. the rain.

26 thoughts on “Scene around the Farm..”

  1. Looking great its rain here all week i love rain but i have so much work i want to do! You did a great job on the hair cutt. Still looking for a old ladder but i will. Have a super day

  2. the bird on the fence photo…..swoon !!

    and no ladder garden yet for me. i found the perfect ladder at a garage sale, but the man wouldn't sell it to me….display only he said. damn.

  3. Karen, loved seeing these photos and no ladder sculpture for me…mine is in use, almost weekly. I've got 3 horses on a short lot, they founder easily and if it doesn't stop raining, they'll never see the other short lot that has grass.
    I am SO tired of rain!

  4. Wow! I love all the photos you posted today. I'm not sure where to begin, but I am amazed at your enormous garden. All the flowers are so beautifully planted and arranged. The very last photo is gorgeous. Very very nice!

  5. Wow, you've been busy!! Got lots of stuff done!! Love your eggs. We buy farm eggs, and I love it when there is a 'blue' one in among the browns!!

  6. I love my visits to your farm…you are surrounded by beauty! I've never seen a barn swallow before, cute little birds! I love the ladder sculpture, too! It should be in a magazine!


  7. The misty rain really looks so refreshing to me. Although when it rains here I'm crabbing to beat the band.

    WTH does beat the band even mean??


  8. The house & yard look lovely! The barn swallows are so sweet. You have made more than your family comfy! 🙂

  9. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL photos!!! Next spring when you put your tomatoes in the ground and a late frost is forecast, if you can put water filled milk/juice/water jugs between each plant early in the day so they can absorb the sun's heat, they will keep the seedlings from getting frost killed. The heat off them will dissipate during the night and keep them warm. Another option is to top them with the tops of empty water/juice/milk jugs that have had the bottoms cut out. We did that once in California after losing almost everything in a late frost the previous year. Didn't lose anything after that and had tomatoes we couldn't give away we had so many.

  10. karen, these photos are stunning! I loved this whole post!

    I also appreciate your cousin's posting as well…I think it's so important & so interesting. Thank you so much!

  11. What great pictures! I love your garden.

    That's a barn swallow?? That's the same little bird that keeps peeking at me in the upstairs bathroom – he must have a nest in the window there or something.

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