Sea Air

  I took the manchild for a check-up and removal of stitches yesterday. All went well with the wisdom teeth removal.   Afterward I took him to Wendys for a Baconator and fries, he deserved to bite into a big pile of cheeseburger bacon greasiness after four days of jello, pudding , cottage cheese and chicken soup.

 On our way home we drove along the shore just to breathe in the raw sea air. Do you know, even though we’re a few miles in….sometimes up on the hill behind This Old House, on a windy day we can smell the ocean.  It’s a beautiful thing.

 The water was churning from the  storm the night before.. sky the bluest blue…. wind still  blowing at a pretty good clip, the air  heavily laced with sea salt.  So very refreshing.  I swear, taking that crisp air into your lungs is like bathing your soul in a healing balm.

18 thoughts on “Sea Air”

  1. I have not been to the sea shore for such a long time. I miss it, and should go back some time. You are right there is no other smell on earth as sea air. Take in a great big breath for me!!!

  2. After the day I had yesterday, I might need to drive over to the coast and breathe in some sea air today. Oh yes, and take some more photos. I guess your ocean gets the sunrise and ours gets the sunset.

  3. I love the son of a baconater. Not quite as big, but goooooodddd. I agree with the salt air. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be by the ocean. I just love it!!! Brings peace to my soul.

  4. Ahhh yes,,, baconator cures all.

    You are so incredibly lucky to live so close to the ocean. I'm always so envious of these kinds of photos.

  5. Oh the sea, the sea, how I long to be by thee! Oh Karen I am so jealous! I am blessed to be able to see it maybe once a year! I love the pictures!
    Sharon ( surrounded) by farm fields!

  6. Karen – I love your last sentence. Breathing crisp sea air is definitely rejuvenating to the brain.
    Baconator sounds sinfully great but being allergic to pork I'll never be able to taste it. Do like their fries though.

  7. You have no idea how much I wish I could drive a short way to the beach for a little restorative wave sounds and scents. I agree there is nothing like it. Your photos are beautiful!

  8. I am very envious that you can smell the ocean from your hill. If I climb on my father's roof across the street, I can see the sound! Does that count?

  9. Beautiful shots of the sea and i totally get your fondness for salt air. There is nothing like it.

    After 4 days of jello, oh yeah, he deserved the baconador!

  10. bwahahaha! I love Joey's comment! I'm surprised he was actually able to eat the burger! When I had my bone graft…it was literally months before I could really chew! So glad that he made out so well!! Love the sea pics!

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