Seaside Gardening

  Today was glorious… reached the 60’s!  I got the itch to stick my hands in the soil and where better to do it than Stella.  First stop was my favorite local garden center – where I proceeded to spend a ridiculous amount of money on perennials, all of which I can assure you I absolutely needed.  I have not quite assured the husband of this, but he hasn’t had dinner yet, it’s still early. 
   What did I get?  I had to keep in mind these perennials needed to be zone 6 hardy, salt tolerant,  some had to like full sun, some had to like shade, some had to like a mix of both.  I got four Rosa Rugosa in white, for the cliff on the side of our seawall that once  had happy scrubbery  that used to live under an ugly overhanging deck we ripped out.  There’s a big dirt pocket there now and Rosa Rugosa are hardy “beach rose” variety – complete with some NASTY THORN issues – WOW.  I decided right quick I was not going to attempt to plant those prickly bastards, no… on THIS subject I am a delicate wall flower and the planting of the prickers will be left to THE BOYZ. 
  I also got Canadian blue hosta  because right now I really like Canada.. a lot!… not only do they appear to be more civil and kind than us, I have a big crush on their Prime Minister.  The hosta is for the side of the house(shade) –  and there’s Alium giganteum, American cranberry and  Blue Fortune Anise Hyssop – (what a mouthful but a simple plant, really)….   Those items are for the full sun  Fire Pit Garden.    Coral bells in two varieties were planted along the side of the yard that has what looks like a  575 year old split rail fence shared with Father Jim.  I was very careful while planting not to sneeze in the fence’s vicinity for fear that it would topple.  We want to start out on the right foot with the Father. 

 We planted these shrubs in the fall to hide  protect! the guestimated 575 year old fence.  The Coral bells, if happy there, should fill out that bed nicely. 

 Once the planting was done, Frasier and I sat down at waters edge and just breathed it all in. 
  Meanwhile… back at the ranch, the Mr. has been planting Onions.  575 of them. I kid you not.