Sending it up into the Universe – Why ever not

     I’m what some have referred to as a high-rev person.  Even my heart rate is higher than the average Joe, always has been – jeez, I hope I’m not wearing the old ticker out.  I’ve got a lot of energy, some of it -nervous- energy.  That’s not  the most awesome thing,  and because anxiety has seeped into my being at a few difficult points in my life, I’ve searched  for ways to alleviate it over the years.
     One of the benefits of being a fifty year old… and there are indeed benefits, ( who woulda thunk it!?)… is I am willing and able to slow down and appreciate all the little things in life so much more than I ever did when I was younger.    I actually sat down on the porch yesterday at around 2 pm and read a chapter out of the book I’m reading –  All the Light We Cannot See –    (Wow, great read.  Gives you a little unusual perspective on a time in history we are too young to have known.)   I hardly ever take that kind of time, and you know.. why ever not?

    Today I stepped out into a glorious early summer morning with the sun shining, dew on the grass, and gentle breezes from up over the hill that carried the slight scent of ocean.  We’re about five miles from it but we’re way up high, and occasionally the sea air makes it to us. The awareness of it always makes me stop, turn toward the water and breathe it in.


      The chickens love their morning treats – today it was left over hard boiled eggs (I know that sounds cannibalistic)..and sunflower seeds.  Then, because the manchild is out there mowing the lawn, I let them out for some free ranging . While he’s making noise on the mower, predators won’t feel comfortable attacking.

    Our bunnies, Harley and Cloud, love to get out too.

    After the chickens and rabbits are fed, watered and  pens cleaned up, I head up to the barn to feed, water, turn out and muck stalls.  Glamorous, it ain’t.. but there’s truly no place on earth I’d rather be.  I’ve had the office job, the factory job, the zoo job, another office job.  I’ve known the 8-4:30 deal in a windowless office.  I did it well while I had to… but I can’t express enough how grateful I am that I was able to get away from it and raise my kids myself, till soil and shovel sh*t and pluck eggs from nesting boxes and sweep isles and pull weeds etc. etc. etc.

   On the crappiest weather days I do have to remind myself that I really shouldn’t be complaining.  Well worth the slight discomfort or rain and cold and heat.

     This morning I stopped to watch the boys head up to their favorite grazing field, admiring the shine on their glossy coats from all that pasture grass.  They are lucky lucky horses, and I am a lucky girl to be able to provide this life for them. 

Sometimes, lately, my “barn” clothes consist of something like today’s ensemble…
an upcycled twirly skirt and my red  paisley floral sloggers. 
Why ever not. 

So glad I’ve learned to slow down enough to see and appreciate it all.
Especially the little things.
It’s also refreshing to not take one’s self too seriously, you know?  
I’m sending this up into the Universe….
THANK YOU to the powers that be…
for this life that I have and cherish.