She wants to sell sea shells by the seashore

 We’ve packed up the few things we brought to
the little cottage by the sea..
Water shoes, books, kayaks and paddles, towels, food…
It was a wonderful reprieve, this little place..
Mom called it home for a week but we visited often enough.
I sat on the dock one more time tonight, feet in the cool water..
a blue crab just two steps below
and the salty breeze on my face.
I gave thanks for this wonderful night..
for this time together in such a beautiful place.

Farewell for now, my seaside dream…..
Perhaps we’ll meet again.

19 thoughts on “She wants to sell sea shells by the seashore”

  1. You are so beautiful, love your tan legs! And that picture of your Mom, I just love it! I'm sad with you that you are leaving. Wish I could put my feet in the sea with you!

  2. Glad you had such a good time! You looked so relaxed in that one picture! The sea will do that! Have a great day

  3. I love the sea, the beach, the river, lake, ocean, or puddle with a lawn chair … there is something about water that brings renewal. What a fabulous way for you to recharge at the end of summer. I'll bet you could actually feel your heart rate slow down while you were there.

  4. So glad you have time away, and in such a beautiful place. I think Pisces are just naturally born and drawn to water; why can't we live at the beach? 🙂

  5. It's been too long since I've been to the beach…. thanks for sharing.
    Now you've got the memories and the photos to bring your beach vacation back to life one snowy day this winter!

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