
 …..We have many of them here at This Old House.

I think it’s important to find atleast a little humor and a  little inspiration in each day.
These signs serve as a reminder to the occupants of This Old House.

Love + Inspiration + Humor = a more contented World.
We could all use more of that.

24 thoughts on “Signs”

  1. We could surly need more of that ! I love old signs !!!! My favorite has to be the toliet one ! I hope you have a great day k !!!!

  2. I made two paper signs; one above the stove which says:
    Did you check? Is the stove turned off? Do not remove this note.
    And the other is on the fridge:
    Did you check? Is the fridge door shut? Do not remove this note.
    My husband looked at me and said: Do you think I'm an idiot???? (But the signs have not been removed!)
    I think I'll have the signs converted to a magnet or something….
    I'm just sayin…..

  3. I have only one sign in my house you just made me realize. I never thought about it before!

    Mine simply says, "YES"! It makes me so happy every day to look at it. It's always been my favorite word.

    Love, humor, inspiration. I am in agreement on these.

  4. What's a little dog hair among friends, is what's going on at our house last night. Our black lab is giving me plenty of hair!

    . . . and I love the one about if these walls could talk. Pretty cool since your house is a rescue!

  5. I am new to your blog but am in the middle of reading all of your old posts. They are all so wonderful. 😉 I love the dog hair sign. Our black lab, Molly, is a shedder extraordinaire! I always say if I could knit dog hair (into another dog lol), she'd have a new friend in a week.

  6. Amen- we could indeed! You have some truly original ones and I think your guests would definitely know they are in for a good time while visiting you~

  7. Oh, I love your signs and your outlook on life! Thank you so much for visiting my blog Karen. I really appreciate your comment.
    I'm a big fan of Mr. Emerson too. 🙂

  8. These are great signs, Karen. I love the one about changing the toilet paper. And I could use one about taking out the garbage. Maybe I should just start making my own!


  9. I love them all, especially the first one, which I had not seen. And gosh I sure miss having a dog to blame for things 🙂

    Two signs I've seen that I wish I had bought were – "If you leave, I'm going with you" and "One martini, two martini, three martini, floor."

    Loved this!

  10. Except for the dog ones and the sad fact I no longer have dogs, I could totally use all the others! Love them ALL!

  11. LOVE signs in a house. I have MANY also. My fav is "It is better to have loved and lost than live with a psycho the rest of your life." Humor is essential to a healthy psyche (and the psycho hates it!)

  12. Love the signs…they all made me smile. I especially loved the "oh the stories these old wall could tell" as I think of that all the time. When you live in a house that has seen so much history…even before we were a country, you can't help but think that.

  13. I love these little verses.I used to sell them at the markets and I used to get a large crowd around them with men and women laughing.sold heaps.
    this one was a good seller "teenagers are God's punishment for having sex " sold heaps of this;
    -love dee x

  14. Love it….so agree, signs …inspired verbage around a home…we have them too. Have a wonderful first weekend of Spring. Karen acapecodnest

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