Six Flags New England

 Holy crap!  That’s all I can say that sufficiently states my total shock and awe at the rollar coaster rides at Six flags in Agawam, Mass.  They’re not even rollar coasters those harness things where your feet hang down and your body twists and turns and goes upside down and then backwards just… defies definition.

 These are the BRAVE members of our pack…


 and these were the chickens.
College girl was comfortable keeping Mom company on sturdy ground…

That’s me working on my shark phobia…

are these the coolest steps?…..


Do you SEE THOSE FEET up in the air????…………
and they’re actually twisting!!!


I prefer to stay down among the minions where it’s relatively safe.

 So…. are you brave? or grounded like me.

24 thoughts on “Six Flags New England”

  1. I can go fast forward all day long, and love the old clickety clack roller coasters best…. but spin me or shoot me backwards — and I am a mess! Can't do it after kids.

    Looks like a fun day.

  2. There was a time when I was a total wild woman and would have taken the ride… I don't think I would go up on those things anymore though. Now, put me up in a hot air balloon and I'm a happy girl!

  3. It's been at least five years since I was on a roller coaster, and there was a time when I couldn't get enough of them. The twistier, and turnier, and faster the better. My all-time favorite is the big suspended coaster at Hershey Park (I don't remember the name, but it has 'bear' in it.) I could have ridden that one all day.

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