
 I used to be a bean pole.  Then I grew up.  There was a decent figure for a long time, even through the childbearing years!  Then the middle age spread.   Muffin top.    More like pound cake.  And oooh, how I love food.. all kinds!    I’ll never be one of those folks who can restrict their diet in extreme ways, I don’t think that’s good for you anyway.   I know  some people who obsess over their aging bodies, obsess over what they’re eating, restriction, regiment, weighing portions, total elimination of this or that, sometimes frustrated over why they aren’t getting the results they desire through the methods they’re following.  Honestly, I think it all comes down to simple common sense that we all possess.   I know when I get to my heavier self, I haven’t been eating well or wisely.  I also know that my 47 year old body isn’t going to look like my 27 year old body, and I can honestly say I’m comfortable with it.  As we age, in order to do it gracefully and with peace of mind, there needs to be some acceptance too. For some… there-in lies the rub.

  Right now I’m heavier than I’d like, not because someone is telling me I’m fat, but because I just don’t feel as well as I should when I eat the crap that gets me to this weight.  So here I go AGAIN.. on a quest to get back to that healthier place, after falling off the wagon through this coooold winter.  I’m not beating myself up though, life will do that to you without your help, I know you know what I mean.

 My friend Lynn just sent me this link… and I really like it so I’m sharing it with you.  Common sense rules. This is pretty much what I’ve done before and it does work without deprivation or strict adherence to something that won’t last long term. No Fads, no fanaticism.  Do-able.

16 thoughts on “Skinny”

  1. It ain't easy (or fun) being GOOD all the time… but just following some of these rules can help stay on track 🙂

  2. i do several of those and they do help. i eat fresh berries every morning with a big glass of water – before i ever have my coffee. i limit my salt intake, don't do fast food often at all. i lack in vegetables, though.

    and i have to keep MOVING to make it all work.

  3. I'm ten years older than you and it just gets worse. I was never thin though. I have always been curvy. As soon as it gets warm I will be back to walking. Bailey is plumper, too so we must get back to it. It has been a very wet winter here. Go to be hungry? Really. If my stomach is growling I cannot get to sleep so I drink a glass of milk.

  4. Yikes, I'm not following 1/2 of these rules… but I'm going to try to from now on.
    It is all common sense except try telling that to your taste buds 🙂

  5. Sounds like a lot of good basic common sense. It is a life-long battle. Staying active helps prevent weight creeping back on. Good luck!

  6. I need to drink more water! And, stay away from coffee ice cream. 🙂

    You can do it, Karen! Sounds like good suggestions.


  7. There are some good things to apply there! I've really increased my intake of fresh vegetables this year and made a point to limit salt when cooking. We aren't eating out as much for financial reasons, butI've found it's also better on our bodies! I guess it's a lifestyle and every decade comes with new challenges.
    Blessings in your efforts!!

  8. I know I SHOULD be better about this stuff … and this list really isn't all that radical or difficult … but most of the time I just don't WANT to. Tonight's dinner: grilled boneless pork chop, sauteed spinach, etc., and I'm drinking a beer while I prepare it. I contend that SOME of the list is better than NONE of the list.

  9. First of all, Karen, I've seen pictures of you on your blog and you do not look like you are overweight! If you feel crappy, it could just be the type of food you're eating or even the winter blues.

    You probably know that I have tried every diet in the spectrum and they all deny us something, even this list. I wish there were an easy formula for losing weight, but there isn't. It's all about what's in your head and it requires hard work, determination and discipline. And I lack all of this big time!!

    Thanks for a great post to get me thinking!


  10. I have to admit, I'm not enjoying my aging body at all. BUT, at the same time I feel a freedom that I never felt when I was young. I always felt that I should be skinny, and in shape, now being almost 61, I could care less what people think. I'm who I am. AND I want to be in shape, and slimmer, but for myself, not for anyone else. Oh what the heck…I'm no expert at all this life stuff.

  11. Wow! Thank you so much for posting this. This is exactly how I feel! I've always been a fan of Bob, though I don't watch the Biggest Loser anymore. I didn't know this book even existed. Thanks again. 🙂

  12. I still remember weighing 107 lbs. when I was 27! Not anywhere near that now! No, I've accepted I'll never get back to the petite size I was, but I do want to get healthier! I'm working in a stressful environment with disabled and autistic kids all day–very noisy–exhausting and I am just too old! I look forward to walking more, but I need an indoor space because I have rosacea and sun and wind do me harm! This list looks like I could pretty much do it with the exception of white potatoes! I think a baked potato with skin on or oven roasted potato fries once a week wouldn't be so bad! Also, I think I will make a dessert every Sunday because life is just too short! Did you know that "desserts" is "stressed" spelled backwards?
    Heather at beautythatmoves.typepad had a link to a great article regarding wheat–I agree that most people do not have celiac, but the new hybrid wheat has problems for us. There is a great recipe for banana oat pancakes too! I'm going to take her next online class on nutrition.

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