
   Dog Days Adoption Events has pulled Smiley and two other dogs from a kill shelter just in time… they were scheduled for euthanization.  See link below for Smiley’s information and location… what a handsome boy. He is now safe in a foster home here in Connecticut and is available for adoption.

Can you imagine killing this boy with an inhumane heartstick?
That was his fate just weeks ago. 
For more info on Smiley.. click here…

19 thoughts on “Smiley!”

  1. Oh he's so cute!

    I confess that I agreed to foster 4 kittens for a month for a shelter that is overfull yesterday. And I haven't told my husband yet. I'm gonna be in trouble…

  2. Are you aware that these kind of posts make people cry (of happiness) as long as in Finland? I´m so touched every time about these… Luckily this same kind of work is done here also! Smiley is a king! And you people are the court. 🙂

  3. Please don't tell me what a heartstick is.
    Ok, tell me. So I can be even angrier than I already am about stupid people who refuse to spay/neuter their pets.

  4. Love that Lisa at Two Bears is in trouble… hee hee… oh well. Husband's do survive, don't they?

    Sure do like that circle around Smiley's eye. He's a happy looking guy!

  5. I swear if I lived near you, I would be poor taking in dogs! Between Smiley and Chippy, I would be a goner! These sweet babies!

  6. OMG….HOW on earth do people live with themselves????? It makes me crazy. I really, really hope Smiley finds the perfect forever home!!! Thanks for all YOU do for rescue Karen!!

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