snapshots of a beautiful weekend

 It was a glorious weekend weatherwise,
and we took full advantage.
I hope you had much of the same and were able to get
out and enjoy it.
Saturday – Kayaking at Griswold Point at the mouth of the CT river –
I love driftwood…
wouldn’t this be an awesome piece in the backyard?

It’s kind of  cool when the young adult children actually
enjoy spending some quality time with the ‘rents.

Except when mom gets annoying with the camera…. apparently.  

We beached it on Griswold point, a nature preserve and private estate
where the owners are kind enough to let kayakers rest for a bit –
and did some shell seeking before heading back to the launch. 
..and there was a fun poolside gathering of family as well.

Opie and I got in some quality riding out in the
newly mowed hay fields yesterday…


..and M&M gave Ben a  bath.

M & M also made these adorable vases…
My son, … the crafter?…   Ah, young love.

 It’s a new week, all.  Let’s make it a good one –
after I go to the dentist this morning to have a cavity under a crown filled.
*sigh*  Pass the Xanax.