22 thoughts on “Snow, baby!”

  1. You silly girl, you act like this is your first snow. Didn't you post a Christmas photo with snow out the window… which was gorgeous!

    Do you cover your camera when you take it out like that?

  2. Yes, I LOVE the hat And your gorgeous pictures! And…since I have no where to drive to in the near foreseeable future, I want some of that white stuff!

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Karen! 🙂


  3. Do you only have one monkey hat? I can't come to visit unless I get my own to wear! heehee! Enjoy your weekend and that beautiful snow! Love your Christmas tree through the window! Happy New year blessings!

  4. actually i have a similar hat…well minus the monkey face 🙂 and i'm wondering if since you're doing a happy dance, could you just ask mother nature to give you ALL the snow the rest of the season and to keep it away from us? that'd be great !!….you're the best !!

  5. After several days without power (it just came on this evening)–you can have the beautiful snow! I'm thinking that our area of the country needs new power lines–seems that every little storm or gust of wind, and we have no electricity–for days! We were caught by surprise by the Christmas Day ice/snow storm and here in the South–they just don't have the equipment for it! Everything closes down- We have a generator, but have to conserve power and choose between watching tv or heat in the house–we have an electric pump on our well, so everything has to be timed. WE turned it off at night and froze upstairs!
    Apologize for my pathetic i phone photo! I really enjoyed everyone elses though!

    P.S. I think your hat is cute!

  6. I am coveting your snow! We get very little here in Ireland and no sign of any this year so I have to content myself with looking at your fabulous photos.

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