Snow falling on Dog Days

On Saturday at Dog Days we had to evacuate the tent after just two hours
and close down adoptions for the day. 
there was fear that the tent might collapse under the heavy wet snow.
I thought that was absurd!
Good thing I wasn’t in charge of the tent decision.
Sunday proved to be an awesome day for the dogs despite the setback…
There were just 10 or so left by the end of the afternoon,
and they went home to foster families.
Even the dog with the acid scar down his back was adopted to a loving family.
We all cried when the bell rang signaling his adoption.
Patty saying goodbye to that lucky dog …
Max and his charge. His family adopted TWO dogs 🙂
It was warm in the sun, so kennels were set up outside the tent for Sunday’s adoptions.




Adopted.. see very last photo below 🙂

They even match!

  She came to volunteer and went home with a new buddy, Kyle.

This is what keeps you going, this right here.

23 thoughts on “Snow falling on Dog Days”

  1. All it takes is a lot of people with big hearts! Thank you for being a part of this, Karen. You and your friends ROCK!

  2. How great all those dogs were adopted, how sad they were
    not all adopted..but good work!

    Maybe the foster homes just waon't be able to part with them!

  3. Crazy snow!!! Absolutely wonderful how the sun came out on Sunday and the adoptions went on…those cute doggie faces made me wish I could adopt another!

  4. I have tears in my eyes! This just makes me so happy to see! THe snow… what is up with that!!! Snow or not, those sweet faces are just beautiful! You are doing SUCH a good thing!

  5. Yep, tears over here too 😉 So happy that almost all of those dogs found a new, loving home.
    I'm giving you and all the people who gave their time and love to those dogs a BIG virtual HUG. You're the best!

    (Beautiful header photo.)

  6. How fun to see the Millens in the last photo. I'll have to send the pic to their son Rob.

    glad it was a productive day even with the weather.


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