Snow = Food, don’t ya know

 First, I have to acknowledge the plight of the people of New York and New Jersey who are still coping with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. We’ve now been hit by a Nor’Easter… and while it’s no big deal up here… it’s like salt in the wound for them. 

  Anyone who doesn’t believe our severe weather patterns for the last few years aren’t an indication that the world is-a-changing climate-wise… is living under a rock.  I don’t know if Al Gore had it right or if this is the natural cyclical order of things, but it’s scarey.

Do you see my roses, still blooming… till now. 

  I called the manchild’s school yesterday and asked them to let him come home, new driver plus snow and wind.. not a great mix.  They obliged and assured me I wasn’t the only nutzo mom doing so.  Today they have no school.  Thank you, powers that be.  This morning although we have only a few inches out there, the wind is still strong and there is ice on the roads.  Weird.. a week ago, tropical hurricane…today, snow on the pumpkins.

 What do I do when cooped up in This Old House?  Cook!  and EAT!   I usually have company by the stove.

I made Cheyenne’s pumpkin chocolate chip muffins again…
Recipe here ..
if you haven’t tried them, believe me, they’re worth the effort.
…and for dinner last night I made sirlion in blackberry sauce..
recipe HERE….
My friend Raven let her readers in on this potato recipe..
Cut potatoes of choice in half after washing thoroughly.
I use red potatoes.
melt 1/4 lb. butter and spread in large pyrex
Sprinkle grated parmesan cheese on top of melted butter
add salt, pepper and a little cayenne..
then place potatoes cut face down on top.
Bake at 400 for approx 40 minutes, serve!
Looks like this when done. Delicious!

Have a great day, all – looks like we’ll be spending some of it here…

23 thoughts on “Snow = Food, don’t ya know”

  1. K your house looks so cozy! ! I love you helpers in kitchen but where ia Ben ?:) all the food looks great. Have a great snow day!

  2. I was just thinking about your this morning while sipping my first cup of coffee and wondering how much snow you had received. It certainly looks all toasty warm in your house next to the fire, and those potatoes will soon be on my 'gotta make these' list.

    Take care and YES… totally feeling badly for those who were hit by the hurricane and now having to deal with this on top of it. Time to give those people a break, Mother Nature!!!

  3. What a contrast from you header to today's photo of your porch. Ah, comfort food on days like today. Do you 'accidentally' drop a little food for the beggars at your feet. That used to happen to me, when we still had Rufus. Now I find myself constantly sweeping the kitchen floor!! Stay dry and safe.

  4. I wouldn't mind being snowed in with your family. Everything looks delicious. I am going to try the steak and potatoes. Perfect!

  5. What a terrible place to be cooped up in a storm. Delicious food, good friends ( mans best) and a warm room with a fireplace.
    Your place looks awesome no matter what the weather.
    Stay warm

  6. I've always wanted to have a snow day. Several years ago the schools canceled because of icy roads – we really aren't equipped down here to drive in it – but there was no snow. I'm not sure I've even seen an inch of the white stuff in person. :p

    A snow day sounds magical to me, so long as I get to stay home in my PJ's and go out and play in it whenever I want. Actually driving in it… no thanks.


  7. LOVE the potatoes…….definitely going to make those……and those towels hanging on your stove…….I could use that picture to sell them.

  8. well succeeded in making me hungry. But it did make me wish for snow. And the claimant's changing but is not anthropomorphic watched a special on TV today when I tried to explain how bacteria in early Earth's introduction caused a new gas to be released known as oxygen and it changed the entire planet when these little bacteria's guide off and create carbon dioxide which allowed the plant to warm up and begin life ha ha Ha. Scientists just can't make up their mind about what to have for dinner much less what caused the earth to change.

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