Someone’s moving in…

The two birdhouses on my patio pot ladder
were really just put there for ornamentation.
I didn’t think anyone would take it seriously.  
Someone, apparently, is thinking
about moving in.
Which is OK by me…
but I think they won’t be happy with the patio traffic.
Just sayin.

18 thoughts on “Someone’s moving in…”

  1. Hubby just took our bird feeder down last week-end. It's snake mating season so they are out and about, and all of the critter activity beneath the feeder draws them to our lawn. I don't have any bird houses out, probably should place a few, but not too close to our house. Sorta freaks me out.

    Just love your little birdie houses and glad that someone has seen fit to call it home.

    Did you solve your blurred header problems?

  2. Birds seem to make their nests in the funniest places. We always have them in our garage inside of shoes :/ Then, the owner of the shoes feels guilty about upsetting the nest to get to his/her shoes. Oy.

  3. What kind of bird is that on the roof? I love nesting birds and watching them… I need to find myself a ladder- they wouldn't like our "boy" traffic here either 🙂

  4. I love it that you had company move in! Also love how you take your photos to tell a story…the sequence they are in.

  5. This is so cute! Maybe not what you wanted…now, if the birds could find the houses I actually have hanging in my trees instead of making nests on light fixtures!!


  6. Oh how sweet. This is going to be great. I agree, it's a beautiful place to live and those birdies are obviously quite smart.

  7. We put our bird houses up right after we got here…five of them…they are all occupied…2 with Eastern Bluebirds, 3 with Wrens. I've never had a problem with snakes though…perhaps it's because of the dogs!…:)JP

  8. A cardinal built a nest this Spring in the holly bush. Unfortunately, for her (and for me who loves cardinals), Dudley our chow mix dog would not relent until he destroyed it! There were so many safer places the nest could have been–makes me sad!
    When you see some of the places birds choose to nest, makes one think that perhaps they are not that smart!

  9. Birds are pretty determined, one built near a co2 loading area at one of my husband's plant locations. Trucks coming and going, zillions of people walking by and she set there happily all day long on her eggs!

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