Sometimes Sucking Up is Wise

… like  when it’s Hay Day here at the farm.  Nothing more pleasant than unloading scratchy 70 lb. hay bales – 200 of them-  into a hot hayloft on a beautiful summer day.  My guys look forward to it every year! The excitement builds as the day comes closer and spirits just soar at the prospect! 


Allergies soar at the prospect, and I do a happy dance because my loft will be full with good quality second cut hay that will last me an entire year.  That’s about the extent of the excitement.

 So, because I know my guy is going to cough up the money for this deal and the labor as well, I figure I better make it worth his while.  There are two ways to do this…  let’s talk about the secret to entering a mans heart is through his stomach.  Yeah.. THAT ONE.

One word –  Lasagna.