Sometimes you just have to let it go

 Those of you who know me well recognize my camera as merely another appendage.  While it’s true there are heavy sighs and some serious eye rolls whenever I arrive on the scene, who do they gather around when it’s all said and done to see their minute of fame, I ask you.  Ah, the woes of those who wield the camera.

(My hair! NO.. I don’t have make up on! I’m Fat! Oh no, not a picture..)  

 Last night we had a Christmas open house for family and a few friends. My 14 year old niece pried the Rebel from my fingers and took over the job for the evening.  I loved flipping through the images later to see her perspective.. sometimes you really oughta just let. it. go.   🙂

My sister and I.  
Oh no, my hair! No makeup! the dark circles!!..
*sigh and eye roll*
maybe even shock and awe

21 thoughts on “Sometimes you just have to let it go”

  1. She did great capturing her loved ones, food, drink, games, beautiful home and hearth. And, you look so pretty there with your pretty sis!!

    Glad ya'll had such a nice time!

    (p.s. pass the kahlua pls) 🙂

  2. you're right…..i'd never guess the two of you to be sisters !!
    and i love that idea…..handing the camera over…..the next time we're all together, my niece is getting my camera 🙂

  3. It looks like you had a relaxing, wonderfully family-oriented, New Old House Christmas. Love the pic of your and your sister!! It's lovely to see you in front of the camera!

  4. I love candid pictures like these. It's always amazing to see what someone else chooses to catch on film!

    Your gathering looks like it was a lot of fun! And you look beautiful in your picture, my friend!


  5. You know, the kid has a good eye, doesn't she? And the blurriness on a few is just a matter of practice…but all in all, she did a really great and fun job. Some of them probably photos that you would never have taken. It looks like you had a warm and lovely Holiday! Merry Christmas-Diana

  6. Your niece did a nice job–looks like you had a lovely family gathering! My daughter hit her head in a fall and I did all the Christmas cooking and prep mostly by myself—I am worn out!!! Granddaughter and I did have lots of fun baking and decorating cookies! Hope you have a joyous coming year!

  7. Great photo's Karen! At least you had a nice break and could enjoy yourself by turning over the camera. Wonderful photo of you and your sister. The house looked so festive and everyone looked to be having a great time. Enjoy the holidays! Susan xo

  8. A brunette and a blonde. Your looks are like day and night. Both gorgeous you and your sis.


  9. Wow! She did a great job taking pics of this family gathering!! I love your little puppy hanging out on the couch!! Don't see much of him…HINT< HINT!!

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