Spreading the Love

 The folks at Peanut Butter and Co. liked my comment on their facebook page and the fact that I blogged about it. They rewarded me with two coupons for a FREE JAR of their delicious stuff, no purchase necessary, and a handful of dollar off coupons.   I’m gonna spread that love even further.  Tell me in the comments section below how you like YOUR peanut butter, and I will use the random generator on Friday to pick the winner of the coupons. 

Have you sent me your photograph entry in the “show me the love” post scheduled for
Valenintes day?  Don’t forget… I’d love to see your depiction of love.
It can be something as simple as a cup of coffee made by your significant other for you 
use your creative imagination.

26 thoughts on “Spreading the Love”

  1. I eat peanut butter almost daily, can't live without it… but I LOVE it most dipped with Green & Black's super dark chocolate!!! The best combo ever!

  2. How cool that you won! I love their peanut butters! The Bees Knees, white chocolate, and dark chocolate – all my favs! I can't pick just one 🙂 I'm a bit of a pb junkie. For real.

  3. Wow! I've never had their pb but I love crunchy right out of the jar! Looking at all those different kinds I think I have been missing quite a bit!!!!!

  4. In cookies, don't ya know. The Husband is a PB&J man, and the daughter eats it with a spoon.

    I should remember to send a photo. I keep forgetting to look for one.

  5. We don't have that brand around here so don't count me in. But, I do have to tell you since the post about PB and apples, I tried it and LOVE!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Look at all these cool flavors of peanut butter. Wow~ I used to eat mine with strawberry jam on soft bread but am now enjoying it with apple slices. Yum. The bee's knees one looks interesting. Heck, they all do.

  7. This looks so yummy. I eat peanut butter on all kinds of things. My favorite is on my pancakes, french toast, and waffles and then smothered with syrup. My kids and grandkids also like it the same way. Yummy yummy!

  8. With chocolate, with bananas, with crackers….I could go on and on, but my favorite is the classic, PB&J on wheat, grape jelly, creamy PB, with potato chips inside the sandwich. I eat that easily 4 times a week.

  9. I'm a simple stick the spoon in the jar and eat on the run kind of girl! But of course I'm always up for a PBandJ…. they're the greatest for packing on a trail ride with the horses!

  10. an open jar and a spoon. Do you mean to say there are other ways to eat peanut butter?
    I love the stuff and keep a jar of Dark Chocolate Dreams beside my computer. The dogs beg and I say no; does that tell you anything? -LOL-

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