Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air today and I am loving it.
The horses blankets are off,
the trees have buds
and the chickens are laying more eggs again.
Speaking of chickens… we’ve enjoyed this first year of
chicken keeping so much that I’ve decided to expand my
flock just alittle.  I can’t add too many, as the size of coop
and run per chicken is important for their well being. I’m not hatching chicks this year,
although I loved the experience… because I don’t have a way to
separate them in the coop from the adults, who are now a year old.
The bigs would pick on the littles, and that’s just not happening here.
So.. I found a local who raises chicks for others and then sells them
as “pullets”.. or young laying hens.  He is ordering six for me..
two speckled sussex, two sicilian buttercups, and two white leghorns.

Our adventure into chicken raising and organic egg eating
has been a pleasure.  If you’ve got the room and have considered
keeping chickens, I highly recommend it, as they are easy to
keep and the quality and taste of the eggs is unbeatable.
Certainly better than what you get in the grocery store.
Mike has been debating what he might change in the vegetable gardens
this year.  Last year we learned what’s happy in our plots,
what’s very difficult to grow, and what we grew too much of that
wasn’t eaten by us or sold at the farm stand.
Corn, cukes, squah, onions and  especially tomatoes will always be a big hit.
Melons were difficult, but we love them – soil needs to be enhanced.
Butternut squash…grew prolifically, we don’t like it and we didn’t sell much on the stand.
In the perennial gardens, a lot was planted toward the end of last year around the backyard
borders. I’m curious to see what will come up and thrive this year.
I know one thing… Zinnias will be planted in abundance.
I was truly amazed at how much flower power we got from our one little bunch.
I plan to expand that patch tenfold.
Normally all images are mine. Today I’m using googled images as reference.
Great blog I read about in Martha Stewart Living…gardening a small plot in the city.
..and travel! My kind of blog.

19 thoughts on “Spring is in the air”

  1. Great choices for chickens, they are all so pretty. I have enough and won't be getting any this year.

    I love Marie's blog and have read it for a long time. She is so dedicated to her gardening, it's quite inspiring.

  2. Chickens are a dream here, but I need to declutter my brain and life a bit to free up the emotional bandwidth to add another responsibility to the pile … even an enjoyable responsibility. You and I have the same taste in chickens.

  3. You don't like butternut squash?!?! Mmm, my favorite.
    What kind do you like?
    Zinnias are sooo pretty, I'll need to put those on my seed list. Mine get that dust? mold? on them here in Minnesota, do yours?
    I can hardly wait to get in my gardens, and I'm getting lots of mulch, so I can enjoy the summer without spending all my free time weeding.
    I'd also love a few chickens, but I think my neighbor would call the authorities!! One more thing (do you eat the chickens too, or what happens when they are too old to lay eggs)?

  4. Love the pictures ! I may try chickens one day I think I would like that
    I can't wait to start.planting this year I plan on planting alot of trees and evergreens in the.back yard. Maybe some border plants that you mentioned. Have a great day!!!!

  5. Oh wow, I can't believe it's been a year since you got the chickens. And, the only "name" I remember is Gracie. 🙂

    I'm really going to miss working in my yard this year, but I do hope my neighbor grows cucumbers again so I can steal them through the fence.

  6. Those chickens are gorgeous! I grew up with chickens and always loved them. I want my rows of flowers to look just like the ones shown here. I hope you have a great day! xo Diana

  7. Oh, I agree, chickens are the best. I just love bringing eggs fresh everyday. I think more people would have them if they knew how easy they are.
    I expanded my flock in the fall and now have too many roosters (they were supposed to be pullets!) and there is a little hen pecking going on. I'm backing my numbers down to 20. That is just the right number for me!

  8. I am wondering…can you taste the difference in the eggs by the chicken that laid them? I would think so since you have a variety of chickens. They are so pretty!

    It's great to learn from last years success and failures. I keep a garden journal…not that I grow as much as you. I just need to keep track of when I planted things and where. And sometimes what! Some perennials have goofy names that I forget. I, too, love zinnias. My grandfather had them everywhere and they are so pretty to cut!


  9. You are right about the taste of those farm-fresh eggs. Ooooo, they are the best.

    Your summer is going to be so fun with all the planning. Nice!

  10. Love your new blue bird header!!! Great shot! Did you photo shop the blue or were you able to actually catch that!!!? Inquiring minds need to know!

  11. i am giddy about spring for some reason and just today saw my first robin….which is always a good sign for us here in wisconsin 🙂

  12. Your chickens are awesome! I just never thought of chickens as being pretty before! We just don't have the time to garden anymore. Before we had the cottage and the rv, we used to have a giant vegetable garden…then life became too busy with constant packing! So, no more gardens except my little flower gardens at the cottage, but it works out ok.

  13. Love the chickens! I've been itchin' too to get outdoors again and plant!!! If I know you, there will be flowers a plenty, but just remember… ALL that watering you did last summer!!!

  14. I pulled the plug on getting new chicks this year — we need to scale back a bit, plus I'm hoping my broody hen will raise 4 or 5 chicks of her own.

    Love the choices you made. I had a buttercup pullet some years ago. Very pretty! 🙂

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