Spring Rain and too-smart horses

   After a particularly cold and snowy and dragged out winter, we’ve had a weird spring.  Right now, the grass is parched.  This morning, however, there is a light misty rain and I am so grateful. My gardens need the reprieve.

  This morning when I went out to feed the animals, I discovered Opie had let himself and Max out overnight.  I close my horses in at night so I know they aren’t getting into trouble out in the fields in the dark.  It’s not totally necessary, but it gives me peace of mind.  Any little bit of that I can get, I take.  In the warmer months I leave the top door of their stalls open so they have good ventilation.  Opie.. has discovered how to undo the latches with his mouth.  Last night he opened his own door, then sprung Max out of his stall as well, and the two had a grand old time grazing all night in the light rain.   This is how I was greeted this morning when I came out to feed –

   On mornings like this, when it’s peaceful out in the fields and the animals are happy to see you –  (oh it’s the FOOD, I know)  –  you don’t mind the work so much, you remember why you did all this in the first place.  It’s a beautiful thing.