Spring Roll

…not the kind you get in an Asian restaurant…
Yesterday was the first time I felt Spring had truly arrived
although it’s still chilly, for sure. 
The horses blankets came off and they were elated.
I’m pleased with Max’s condition this Spring. He’s got a shiney
coat and decent body weight – not an easy feat for a 27 year old horse.
(this is a boarders Morgan horse, not my daughters Max)
Upon getting naked, the boys immediately took a good roll in their
favorite sandy spot.

My 15 year old Quarter Horse, Opie..
thinks he can do better than that.
The minis were out in the back field having some fun of their own…
This pasture abutts the subdivision houses, one of which isn’t delighted
that the farm has been restored to a small working farm.
I don’t like to think that we are not friendly with a neighbor…
we love all the others around us. Sad, but we didn’t start it
and so we can’t void it either. It is what it is.

Meanwhile, I’ve been playing in the garden areas just a little..
Lots of work to be done.
Mike hasn’t decided whether he’s going GARGANTUAN again.
Is there anything so pretty as an old glass doorknob on a garden shed?

No green yet.

If you’re able, stick your hands in some dirt this weekend
 and grow something good to eat. 
If all you’ve got for growing room is a sunny patio or deck?
Perfect! Start some patio pots!
You’ll be amazed at the sense of accomplishment,
and.. it’s good for you, body and soul
Here’s a tutorial if you’re interested.

9 thoughts on “Spring Roll”

  1. I would think most people in a subdivision would welcome some lovely animals around them. What would be the alternative? To have another boring house staring right into their property?

  2. This post just made me smile… look at the joy your horses are having… makes me almost want to go roll in something 🙂

  3. I can't imagine why those nasty neighbors do not enjoy looking at a working farm!!! Where do they think all their "Whole Food" products come from? LOL!!!!

    I love the farms near me. We walk through our neighbors yard to the cemetery to chat with the horses at the horse farm!

    I know we've talked about this before – dump plenty of Chicken Sh*it on the back 40! LOL!!!

  4. I'll be out in the garden today, beginning the cleanup process. Love the photos of the horses rolling in the sand. I'm rather ignorant about that – does it feel good on their coats?


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