Sprung from the pound!

Dog Days is gearing up for another Adoption event in Saybrook on May 18th.
Here’s what happens…
See Okie girl below?
Sitting in a kill shelter just days ago…

A rescue group found her waiting to die,
spent time with her and realized she was a loving pup who would
most likely find a family to love her if she was in the right setting.
So they sprung her from death row along with another pup.
Here they are on their “freedom ride” .
Look at the Joy on their faces already. 
Do you have goosebumps yet?  
Both are vetted and in quarantine now, being loved by their rescue group,
getting ready to come to our adoption event May 18th.
So that’s how it works. 
Here are a few more lucky dogs who’ve been sprung and will be available
May 18th and 19th at Dog Days. 
This little girl yet to have a name…


Dee Dee

14 thoughts on “Sprung from the pound!”

  1. I want them all……and yes, it chokes me up…..I wish I could wave a magic wand and every dog in the shelter would have a loving home.
    And every person who has a home would fine it incomplete without a dog to love.
    Roy, who is asleep on the COUCH, concurs.

  2. They all look so sweet! Hope they find forever homes and the weather cooperates for the event!! I'll never forget that October snow storm when we adopted Ella! Ha, no chance of THAT this time!

  3. Thanks so much Karen for all the work you do! Our lil adoptee is now a month later, not hiding behind the sofa anymore! She gets to run off leash these last two days on the farm! I don't think she has ever had the chance before. It's a beautiful sight!

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