Stella Revealed…

     Today was the day!  The plumber came and finished what needed doing in the bathroom and outdoor shower and I got to turn on the water and CLEAN THE FILTH!  And that means… I can now show you what we have accomplished this winter at our little star by the sea. 
Kitchen before…. 

Kitchen After…..

 The wall was blown out so it’s open to the living area and the fridge moved over to the other wall,  handles seen on the left below…

PS.. those are two awesome dishtowels hanging on the stove handle made by Hilary of Crazy as a Loom – have I told you lately how much I love my blogbuddies…

 Above the sink…

 … a little cow creamer, needed a cow somewhere to represent the herd that lives on the farm on the overall property here in a nearby field…

Gifts from dear friends…

We kept much of the old, including the wall sconces…

 A photo I took a few years ago in this very same cove –
I won a blue ribbon at the local fair, my first photography prize…
Little did I know we would soon own the little cottage about 60 yards from 
where I took that picture.. 
Underneath the photo is this fella in a boat with his dog and a bucket o’fish…
left by the previous owner. I couldn’t throw him away…

 and underneath the fisherman and his dog and bucket o’fish
is the kitchen island, with my beloved Western Union Operator Chairs…
Guess what… we took them to our welder friend
who discovered they are indeed adjustable, 
all we needed to do was twirl the seat until desired height.
Makes sense, considering Operators were all shapes and sizes. 
Why didn’t we think of that….. 😕

 The little bathroom is to the left of the kitchen sink.


We kept the old window paned door to the bathroom, love the handles! Need to put privacy film on the panes though… 

 Towels in basket, no room for racks.. 

 Tiny sink, shower to the right… Medicine cabinet can be seen behind me in mirror.

The back (or front, depending on how you see it) deck before…


The dining table in the cottage – left by previous owner and refinished by us, well really a friend who does that kind of thing…

New light fixture too, and you’ll notice how everything is SHINEY!   I walked into the cottage one day and wished I had brought my dang glasses. The Mr. laughed and said.. well, I wanted it to look like one of those antique boats in here, the high gloss wooden variety!   He got his wish….

    The living room –  We had to  throw out all that had been left, the meece made their nests within the cushions… and some of the cushion “stuff” had been dragged up to the rafters at eye level for good measure, too.  Our “new” furniture in the cottage is hodge podge, some we had here at This Old House, some we bought while junk hunting, just a few things like mattresses, refrigerator, stove are new because… meese.  That is absolutely a word, sounds more tolerable, just sayin.

The view out those windows is just spectacular, my camera flashed it out unfortunately…

 Remember Edith’s Chair?  And Indeed.. the TV is too big for the cottage, but BOYZ will be BOYZ.  Games watched must be GAME SIZE, don’t ya know.

Bedrooms.. before…  frames left by previous owner, mattresses thrown out because meese. Many many meese.  The frame was also rickety.. had to fortify it with many many nails and the Mr wanted to throw the whole thing out but I saw the lovely bones of it and just couldn’t part with it.  Many Many arguments insued but nevertheless….. she persisted…and…

 Good save, wouldn’t you agree?

 The big piece we scored at a consignment shop a few weeks ago will serve as the pantry above and linen storage in big deep drawers below.  Remember my Once Upon a Tide Whale?.. seen below above gas woodstove…. and a sign above pantry piece  sent as a cottage-warming gift by dear friend, Sally.

 Second bedroom…  Before…


 Not bad, huh? I think we made good use of 700 sq ft of cottage space.

 Outside, the forsythia is blooming – such a cheery surprise as I pulled up this morning…

 I went back to Job Lot – the place that wouldn’t sell me just one of their old worn out boxes for my baby chicks… and got a few beautifully glazed pots for $18 and $8.  These are a good size, hard to tell in the picture, great deal!  Makes up for the box snub.

 My newly planted perennials are very happy…

 As is the Rosa Rugosa that the BOYZ stuck in the ground for me… see my dilemna?  Not only were there THORNS… many many of them, but a Cliff walk too…

    See.. I wasn’t kidding.. those four thorny bushes are just under the forsythia at the end of the cedar fence.  They are very happy there too, even among the salt spray and wind… they don’t call them hearty invasive plants for nothing.

 Henry is a large turtle who came with the place – 
Turtles are good Karma, 
 Some believe they represent good spirit over evil…
I’ll take it.