18 thoughts on “Stormy Night”

  1. That was one scary looking storm. We need rain here so badly. We had lightening and thunder for over an hour yesterday and a measly little sprinkle. Darn it, we need rain! My yard is brown and I prefer green.

  2. Looks like you had some wind with that storm. We had thunder and lightning, a couple of days ago. Only got a tiny sprinkle. We are way behind and I dread the catching up. I know it's coming, eventually.

  3. Ouch! LIke the pictures though.

    Like others, we need rain SO bad especially the farmers. My yard is gone, but that's just the way it is. I'm a tad nervous with hurricane season after seeing how the terrible weather has been for so many.

    Hope things are cleared up for you today, and not any damage.

  4. Wow. I see your grill took a header.I love those photos, especially the one with the kids looking out the window.

  5. Your photos are amazing.

    We're in a drought in my part of Texas, would you blow those clouds down our way, please?

    I like the one with the kiddos looking out the window…

  6. Always scary when the sky gets so dark like that. Hope you didn't have any damage. It's turned hot and dry here, I'm watering everyday. Have a great weekend Karen!

  7. LOVE your storm!! We are having a thunderstorm right now and soooo much needed with the lawn getting brown and crispy. I love a good downpour and dark clouds overhead as long as no one loses a life or a limb!


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