Summer loving… and loving one’s self –

     Recent weather has brought warmer temps, and with warmer temps we dug out the summer clothes and *gasp… even b.a.t.h.i.n.g.s.u.i.t.s.    …..Siiiiiiigh…. that’s a tough one for me.  In my younger years, I could rock the suit.  I’m not really bragging here… I was no Bo Derek or perfect 10.  But what I WAS… was comfortable in a swimsuit.  For one who loves loves loves the water.. wearing a suit was part of my regular summer wardrobe and technically still could be. 

 With menopause came a spare tire I have yet to get rid of – and boy has that put a crimp in my bathing suit style.  I don’t expect to knock socks off with my 52 year old body, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m wearing a floating device around my middle when I’m -not-.  
 So as we spend more time down at Stellas waterfront… I’m inclined to don the suit and wade in, right?  Not.  The damned tire!  I had all good intentions of losing this extra weight by summer time. Surely I had the motivation, surely I would get it done.  
Yeah, Ok – that and $1.50 won’t even get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. 
So here we are. Summer time.  My favorite season – doing my favorite thing – admiring the water, enjoying the water – being IN the water, ON the water – strolling beaches when I can.  Oh, to be properly clad… and enjoy it.  
  Sitting at water’s edge this weekend, I said to Stella… I said.. Stella?.. it’s ridiculous that I won’t wear a bathing suit just because I don’t look the way I used to.  I’ve been through some stuff, you know?  I’m older, for cripes sake.   I’m lucky to be here, you know?  Why can’t I just enjoy things as they are.. with the suit situation?
And Stella said… “Karen.. you have but one life. Who cares about a few extra pounds. See all those people out there on the water and on the beach in their suits?  Not a ten in the crowd.  A lot of happy people though – enjoying the day they’ve been given.  You’ve been given this day.  Enjoy it. 
This .. is how Stella is gonna help me get my groove back – talking reason and sense back at me. 
 I ordered these two bathing suits (LL Bean and Shore Shapes) …. in the appropriate size and style for my current suiting up situation.  And I’m gonna wear them with pride. 
It’s all good.