Summer neighborhood

     After barn chores and coop chores and a haircut for Frasier on the back deck, a wellness check at the vet in a nearby town for Frasier and Bailey,  and a major cleanup effort when I arrived home to find a shelf in the fridge had broken while the husband was -lookin-for-somethin-  and therefore  the glass jars of pickles, vinegar, relish, jam, syrup.. had shattered all over the floor leaving every bit of every thing in the vicinity  sticky and glass shardy and he-who-had-a-meeting  couldn’t do a proper job cleaning it up so just do it, K? … 
   After that…
…  I said Frasier?.. waddya say you and I go down to Stella and see what’s going on in our Summer ‘hood.  I need fresh air, don’t you? 
    He agreed whole heartedly so we hopped back in Emma (my Jeep)  and off we went. Do you name your cars?  When I moved to CT from NY my plate was Ema and a number.  I have kept that plate ever since  (30 years now) and therefore, the car I drive is Ema.  (pronounced Emma). 
Emma and Stella  amongst the Forsythia…  a sight for sore eyes. 
 As soon as we got there we met with a neighbor, a lovely older woman who has been summering at her cottage for over 60 years, since the age of 6.  I gave her a little tour of our progress and she was over the moon – as was I at the prospect of such a lovely person just up the hill, on the other side of  Father Jim’s place.   
    Once inside,  I took note of the cluttered sitting area in the cottage and moved all the stuff, because I hadn’t already done enough to my aching back so I knew I should push it just a little more for good measure.  I think it looks better now, more balanced, less cluttered.  If you’re wondering why I placed an off-white rug in a summer cottage space where there will indeed be sandy feet traffic regularly, I don’t have a reasonable answer. 
 Then I finished setting up my husbands sand jar collection… for many years when a friend would travel he would ask if they would bring back a bit of sand or rock, etc. from their destination.  We’ve done the same when we vacation.  The collection is quite exotic now, none of the exotic locations having come from our excursions.. with sands from Ireland, Bermuda, Australia, India, Greece, Cuba, Hawaii, the Hoover Dam, Bali, etc… and the collection sat in a big box in the basement for all this time.   I’m thinking I should have nicknamed Stella “The Sand Box”  now that she’s given the collection a home.  

       So after shuffling all that stuff around, I almost sat for a moment to enjoy the view out the window, when I caught a glimpse of my rear in a mirror… and remembered right quick why the walk was the most important goal of the day.   (*sigh) 
As we walked the lane there were daffodils everywhere…. 

At the rock jetty Frasier did a little wade-in….. which he quickly surmised was foolish given the frigid water and new haircut status.

Along with the daffodils were a lot of these in the woods… 
I believe these are Lesser Celandine… 
More daffs….
 and as we rounded the last bend heading back to the cottage,
we met another neighbor who lives there year round..
 another warm and welcoming person who’s gardens
are beautiful… 
Speaking of gardens…
this weekend we  top soiled, hayed and seeded the little lawn
and planted the road side border –
All shade loving plants as this side of the house
is full shade with just a little diffuse sun
Astilbe, Hosta, two hydrangea bushes, 
coral bells.
 I’m back home now,  contemplating dinner… 
reminding myself of that rear reflection in the mirror earlier today. 
The Struggle Is Real.