Another Day for the Dogs!….

    This weekend there will be another shelter dog adoption event in Chester, Ct at the Fairgrounds.  For more information… go here

Dog Days dogs  are pulled from high kill shelters,
and some are from municipal dog pounds
and Connecticut Rescue groups.
When you adopt a  Dog Days shelter dog,
you are saving a life.
The saving of dogs from cruel euthanasia 
or a life in a kennel
and finding them homes is their mission.
Meet some of the dogs  
who will be available for adoption this weekend….
 please dog days people..keep me away from Susie
If you see me hovering… just SAY NO!!!
For a full list of the dogs available this weekend, or more information
on the dogs listed above, visit the link at the beginning of the post.

Regarding T-shirts in this post earlier today…
just got word from the printer…
and they’ve run into snags and want to up the price
so that it will not be affordable to produce.
When we find a better option,
we’ll work on this fundraiser again.


14 thoughts on “Another Day for the Dogs!….”

  1. OMG! Please send me Tucker. I have a Ginger that looks just like him.

    Thanks for putting this out there. I volunteer at a kill shelter and am thrilled to see people adopt!

  2. Whar a great cause and effort from you Karen way to go ! You should feel very proud of your self. Oh i would love molly but i have two labs so i better hold off

  3. oh gosh- you had me at Molly 🙂 Great t-shirt concept! We just went and picked up dog food, meds, treats, etc., from friends who lost their 14 yr old Golden yesterday. We hope adoption is in their future. Such a great reminder of not just acquiring a pet- but rescuing one!

  4. Love the shirt and the sweet faces of all the dogs. Hope the event goes really well and everyone finds a good home.

  5. If I lived in your area and didn't already have a house-full of rescue pups (all mine, now :- ), I'd take Molly and Lilly in a heartbeat!

    What wonderful dogs; what wonderful folks all of you are for devoting yourselves to their 2nd chance at loving homes!

  6. Oh goodness, Tucker looks exactly like Hopper; amazingly so. I hope they all find homes!

    That's a shame about the t-shirts; I bet it was a "bleeding" problem, we had that happen one time.

  7. Good luck finding homes for the new round of "babies". Blessings- It always puts a clutch in my heart to see them here awaiting a home- xo Diana

  8. Why do I get the feeling that This Old House will have at least one more family member come this weekend?

  9. I just emailed the link to a friend of mine who recently lost his old lab…not sure if he is ready yet but if he sees these faces he might be!

  10. I am going to meet Lilly—thought I liked another dog, but after I read her story, she tugged at my heartstrings…..

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