
… yep, that’s me.  I spent almost 24 hours with no background on my blog and honestly, I felt naked.  And I’m not even a wallpaper girl when it comes to interior decorating.

 This particular wallpaper you see is called Gypsy caravan wildflower, and I love it.  Many years ago someone called me a gypsy and she meant it in a negative way.  I took it as a compliment.  I knew my way of living was  different from hers, but I was sad for her because it is my opinion that a life so closely self-restricted, regimented, regulated, held close to the vest… is not really letting yourself LIVE.

  Anyway…  I also regret removing the followers button, but it’s too late, done deal.  Why do I regret it?  A friend told me she uses that feature to keep track of her favorite blogs and I never thought of it as a tool others use for convenience. 

*sigh*.   It is what it is.  Thank you for your input on the previous post, I like to hear what blogging means to all of you too.  If you’re a reader but not a blogger, feel free to join the conversation and let us know what appeals to you and what doesn’t.

It’s a new day, all.  Make it a good one 🙂

The reasons

  Recently another blogger discussed blogging, it’s pros and cons and all the things she found out about it while trying to make the decision to become a dot.com.   I was surprised by some of her findings and  did some googling of my own and .. behold!..  all the articles about how blogging is dead or dying.   I don’t know that I agree with it but I suppose it has something to do with why you blog in the first place. 

 My reason for blogging is personal –  I use it as a journal of sorts. It’s an outlet for my photography, a way to record special moments I don’t want to forget, and it’s a way to share things with anyone who wants to sit for a minute or two and read my little ponderings in this space I call This Old House 2.   Someday when I’m gone, my kids and grand kids and  great grand kids might enjoy browsing through these posts.  – Or not!-  but at least they have the option.   Oh, if this were only possible years ago, I would love to browse my grandmother Elsie’s “blog”.  Although she was so careful with her thoughts I don’t think she’d be a blogger.

 Another blogger I came to know  who has become a huge success and has thousands of followers asked me once If I’d like her to help me boost my readership so that I’d have more followers. While I appreciate the generous offer, it’s not about the number of followers I have on the sidebar. Another felt she needed to suggest I do more give aways, because that would –bring me more followers-, especially if I insist they “follow” me to enter to win.   Again, the advice appreciated, but I’m not in it to tally numbers.   * I just decided to remove that particular feature.

I’m in it to share with my family.   I’m in it to share with any of you  who care to stop by here  what I saw that was cool today. What I cooked and enjoyed today.  What really pissed me off today.  What inspired me, what ired me, what made me think.. let me spread this out in the world and hope that it will bring more good vibes to the universe. 

Two more things I learned while doing a little research about blogging.  Photos are important. Well, dang.. I got that right.  I take lots of photos… it’s safe to say I’m addicted to taking photos. I see a photo opportunity everywhere!  Even in a blade of grass.  I don’t mark each of my photos before I put them on the blog or facebook, because that particular habit annoys me.  When I see a beautiful photo that has a watermark or blog name on it,  I can’t help but feel it’s been violated somewhat.  I get it if you’re a photographer and that’s where your grocery money comes from. But most of us don’t make money off our images. And now there is the pinterest red “button” that appears on some images to make it easier for you to pin that image on your Pinterest board. But.. while viewing it, you’ve got that big red P button right smack in the middle of your image.    Call me a purist here (because it doesn’t fit anywhere else in my life…LOL)… but it’s a practice you won’t see here.

 *** After reading TexWis girl’s comment below, I realized this post might sound -snarky- and I want to clarify before you read further.  I don’t want to imply that having or wanting followers is wrong.  It’s a great tool if it’s something that appeals to you.  I also know that there are several reasons why some people watermark their images… one of them being theft.  I understand the desire to protect your images especially if you  make money off them.  Many of my images have been used by others, and it doesn’t bother me.  I take it as a form of flattery.  But  again, I don’t make my living by those images and I might feel differently if I did.   I still stand by my belief that it does take away from the beautiful image originally created and I am willing to risk someone else using my image without my permission. 

    The second important tip?…. Keep it simple, Stupid.   Hmmmm….   So I pulled out the backgrounds I often employ here, and made it simpler to look at.  I’d like to know what appeals to you.  Simple?  as in what I have here now? 

   One more thing about blogging – I want to thank you… for checking in now and then and sharing whatever we’re sharing here in this space.  Some of you have become very dear friends.  This little community we create in these spaces is not dead, nor is it dying.  It’s what we make of it, aren’t most things?  ……