Your opinion appreciated, advice welcome, suggestions encouraged.

    I’m kicking it around again.  If you’ve been reading this blog since I started years ago, two things were happening at the same time. We were putting This Old House back together and I was a partner in a little artisan gift shop just up the road in a friend’s retail space. Click HERE for a blast from that past.

    While it was only a two year stint and there was definitely some heartship and heartache as we stumbled through a worsening economy, Fire & Rain brought me a lot of joy and gave me experience I would never have had if we hadn’t given it a shot. I met some wonderful people and saw what it meant to create a little space where people could come and browse and admire the crafts of others,  talk up the community scene, gift themselves or another with something someone else had made infused with love.

   The aggravations? Well, my hearing loss is always a difficult navigation in public but I managed and people were kind.  I won’t let that be the reason I don’t do it again.  The bills…hmmm, not easy, but we paid them with a little left over, in the worst of this economy.  That tells me we had something good going on.

   The plus side… meeting so many talented people and selling their pottery, jewelry, photography, paintings, quilt work, candles, soaps, fair trade items, etc. etc. etc…   And getting to know so many customers, sharing the days news or weather, it was a good feeling, that little space we filled with “stuff”.  Needful things, I like to say.  We had a goldfish bowl on the counter filled with chocolates, a – help yourself –  and people always did.

    I don’t know that I’m jumping back in those waters for sure, but I am kicking it around. This time I would proceed without a partner, which was a comfort  as well as a difficult navigation.  I think most partnerships are.  Heck, think of any marriage!

    What would I do this time? Well, location is everything.  I’d look for something along route 1, our shoreline area.. with an affordable rent.  There-in  lies one of the major rubs.   My vision is to have another artisan shop, but with a little different vibe.  You all know I am  BIG into animal rescue, and one wall would be dedicated to framed photos and descriptions of local dogs and cats who are languishing in shelters in need of a home. A wall of adoptables.  There would also be a coffee station where you can make your own coffee using the available Keurig machine  for a donation in the amount of your choice, even a dollar is OK – all proceeds go to our rescue mission at dog days or CT Animal House.  I have this vision of a big cork board too, a Community center full of information on local events, available jobs, whatever the community comes in to tack up.  As for the merchandise… pottery and jewelry made by local artisans, clothing with logos from rescue organizations,  dog and cat bowls and supplies made by local artisans,  hand crafted items made from recycled materials, fair trade items, candles and soaps, even some refurbished antique toys, and a few handpicked vintage items.   This would all be displayed well… not made to look like a cluttered attic, which is how it may sound to you right now…lol…

The name?  I’m thinking… RESCUED.   The other name that floats around in my thoughts is HAVEN.    These two words  can mean a lot of things… can you see it?  Can you feel it?  No?… that’s what I need to know.   


Fire & Rain

Two years ago I stepped out of my life’s box and started a small artisan gallery with a friend. She and her husband had just purchased a large building in town, formerly a christmas shop, and she was in the process of moving her toy store business into a portion of that building.  Off to the side, there was what we used to call “the ribbon room”…and the natural light wood floors and beams in the ceiling would lend itself nicely to a warm and inviting gallery. We jumped in with both feet, creating Fire & Rain Artisan Gallery & Gifts. 

The name … Missy and I both love Martha’s Vineyard and music.  We were looking for words that embodied elements you use to create things.  One day while humming James Taylor’s Fire & Rain, we realized it just fit.  Never mind how many times I’ve had a customer come in looking for fireplace equipment or James Taylor memoribilia.

Two years of  meeting wonderful local New England artisans, and some as far away as California. Two years of Gift Show trips to New York, daily chatter with friends and neighbors, heartship, parental worry, triumphs and tragedies shared over morning coffee (and multigrain bagels with cream cheese from Dunkin Donuts!)  and.. ok sometimes a baked potato pizza.  If you’ve never had one, you’re missing sumthin. Two years of wonderful.

The media would have you believe the recession is over, but I beg to differ. Five shops in neighboring towns have closed down in the past few weeks…and I see vacant store fronts everywhere.  A nearby KFC is now empty.  If the colonel can’t even sell chicken, we’re in trouble.

So it is with heavy heart that Missy and I have made the difficult decision to close the doors. She has invested five years (and a hefty mortgage!) in her toy business, and together we’ve run Fire & Rain for the past two. Both were housed in the big barn, such an awesome space.  There is simply not enough business to make a case for staying open, and the near horizon doesn’t show promise for change any time soon.

It’s time to turn another page.. but I’m sure going to miss the previous chapter.  Thank you to all who have made it such a wonderful journey, and to my family who have given their unwavering support.

 I keep telling myself  “When one door closes, another one opens”… I just didn’t want to close that door.

Fair Day

 Our first annual Artisan Fair was a success!  Beautiful weather,  ( a few Hail Marys and an Amen) and beautiful crafts from about 20 artisans. For those of you who are local and came down to support us, thank you so much, the best part of the day was getting to chat it up with friends and neighbors.  Our Artisan Gallery is a year and a half old now, and we’re still flying by the seat of our pants, but enjoying the process and learning as we go.  Some of my blog readers are frequent customers and they always support our events. I’de like you to  know how much that’s appreciated.

Below are some pictures of a great day – We plan on doubling the effort next year.

If you don’t have a Corn Bag, you really oughta get one… you throw them in the microwave for two minutes and have a great heat wrap for whatever your achy needs…. My friend Joey let us all in on this phenom..
Here she is talking to the Corn Bag makers.
 Odonata Seaglass Jewelry and designs… one of our most popular artisans…
Aritsan Maryanne D. makes these beautiful glass “Izzy Beads” which are compatable with Pandora, Camilia and Troll. They are a big hit in the gallery, as is Maryanne.
She’s a wonderful person…and NOT a RedSox fan.. YAY Maryanne!!
Pink Tulips handmade purses…
We had a rock’n organic lemonade stand….
By far, the best part of the day for me was to see the very happy faces of Joey, her son, and their new adopted family member, Daisy.  They had just come home from an adoption event in Canaan, CT. Daisy is a beagle-rat terrier mix from Georgia who was just days away from euthanasia.
The organization that rescued her was Companion Rescue…
YAY JOEY!!!!!!