Dog days Graduates…

 I’m sharing two awesome pics on FB of two Dog Days graduates… Actually, Charla (and sister Chelsea )were taken in by Lorin and Lillian of Dog Days, both pups suffering from neglect and demodex mange. They have their own label on the side bar there if you want to read more of their story.
Charla before and after….  
 She was adopted by Lillian, her foster  mom  (Lil is now one of us, a Foster ….Here she is playing in the snow with  another Dog Days Adoption Event graduate,  Slider.  I think Slider and Charla like the snow, don’t you?
Some of you contributed to their medical expenses and I want you to see
what your generosity accomplishes. 
NOW.. inquiring minds want to know.
When you read a blog… what type of appearance is the most appealing to you?
If you read my blog often you know I’m always changing things up.
Maybe that’s annoying.  A dark background might be hard to read.
A simpler look is easier on the eyes. The pics take too long to load?
Let me know what your opinions are in the comments section below.
And thank you again, from the dogs 🙂

They need a home for the holidays

Charla and Chelsea… the dogs rescued from a veterinary clinic
in Bridgeport where they were sick with mange and parvo
but not cared for, are now doing just great.
They will be looking for their forever home very soon.
Both girls are very friendly and get along really well with other dogs.
Call Lorin at (860)767-6840 if interested in adopting.
This boy, Bruno,  was dumped at the Bridgeport Animal Shelter after living with his family
for 10 years!!!  How anyone can do that is beyond my comprehension.
Call Bridgeport Animal Control if you would like to adopt or foster this
wonderful, handsome senior.  He’s got years of life left! Let’s help
him find the home he deserves.  see info below
Bridgeport Animal Control  236 Evergreen Street, Bridgeport CT
Phone: 203-576-7727

Buster is impounded at the Killingworth canine castle behind their town hall.
Buster is the only dog in the pound but his time is limited.
Friendly, loves people and is good with other dogs.
Call Killingworth Animal Control for more information. 860-663-1765 x219

*Update and Reminder*

Charla and Chelsea are doing really well in their foster homes…
 thank you to all who have contributed –
Now for the Reminder…
Remember Project 24?
You asked for a reminder, so here it is….
Click on link above if you need a refresher course on what you’ve signed up for…
Here are the times you gave me.
There are still a few slots left, feel free to join in if you haven’t already.
October 31, 2012 (halloween!)
12 midnight – _______________________
1am – Ms. A – Sarcastic Granny
2am – Mark – Marks Rants and Raves
3am – __________________________
4am ____________________________
5am – Sandra – Thistle Cove Farm
6am – Kate – Chronicles of a Country Girl
7am –  ME
8am – Jodi – Pleasant Home
9am – Saara – Finland!
10am – Cheyenne – Little Prairie Baby
11am – Cait Throop
12 noon – Diane – Lavender Dreamer
1pm – Lynn R.
2pm – Beth – Be yourself….
3pm – Tim Gannon
4pm. – Joey – Catch Joy as it Flies By
5pm – Connie – Hartwood Roses
6pm – Denise – Autumn Sky Ranch
7pm – Hilary – Crasy as a Loom
8pm – Tia – Cottage by the Sea
9pm – _________________________
10pm – Sandy – Doris the Great
11pm – __________________________
Five spots left, any takers???

Charla & Chelsea have left the building!

 Last night I met  Lorin and Lilian at the Durham Veterinary Hospital as they claimed Charla and Chelsea, who were well enough to go home and begin treatment and recovery with their foster moms.  These two women are amazing.. the road to recovery  is intensive round the clock treatment of their skin condition, but the Parvo has been tackled, and they are already eating and starting to put on weight.  Chelsea almost lost her battle, but she got through the worst and survived. Both pups still have sores and raw, agitated skin… but they’ll be fine with the right care.  Sadly, their littermate died at the hands of the initial vet that was in charge of their care.  An article is in the news this morning… see link.
(thanks, Joey, for bringing this article to my attention)
  A big thank you to those of you who are contributing to their care, (see widget on left).  Every little bit counts, as it will cost about $5,000. to bring them back to full health.  Once they are healthy, they will be available for adoption.


Let’s do it again…

This is the intake picture of Charla and Chelsea when they were dumped at the pound in Bridgeport CT a few weeks ago in a box.  They are approximately six months old.   Despite numerous pleas for a rescue to take them in,  it didn’t happen.. and so  they were sent to the contracted vet facility for “treatment”. As you can see, both had mild Demodex mange, a very treatable disorder, and neither were emaciated.

Unfortunately, under the care of the contracted vet by the city of Bridgeport, their condition deteriorated and
they contracted Parvo as well as worsening case of mange.  Both are still in serious condition, and Chelsea is just starting to show signs that she will survive.

Charla isn’t as sick as her sister and is already perking up quite a bit…

 Enter several rescuers including Lorin, who is our Dog Days Adoption Events Founder and Dog Savior Extraordinare.  The pups have been transfered to a quality veterinary facility and will go home with Lorin for care once they are stable.  Those of you who follow my Dog Days Posts know what we do. See labels on the sidebar for more information.  CHIP.. was last year’s project.  He has his own label on the left too… you would not believe the turnaround once Lorin took him in and we all chipped in to care and feed and medicate and love him.  He is a happy healthy boy a year later, living with his new loving family.  We’re hoping we can do the same for these two.
Last year we raised money for Chip’s medical expenses in several ways, but a big contributor was the widget you see on my side bar.  If you would like to contribute to Chelsea and Charla’s medical expenses, please use the widget, it’s a paypal format and I  had no trouble using it even though I don’t have a paypal account. Even $5. will help tremendously. 
 A brief recap of the story of CHIP 

He was pulled from a kill shelter looking like this….
took a while to turn around the bend to better health
with MUCH care and medication and love…
helped by YOUR contributions!!

Lorin with Chip at the vet for a checkup…

And this is Chip now, with adopted family and older “brother”.

It indeed takes a village, see what we accomplish when we pull together?
One dog at a time..
This time, two.
I’ll keep you posted on Chelsea and Charla’s progress
as I did with Chip.  You know I”ll be taking pictures as soon
as they come home to Lorin.