Let’s do it again…

This is the intake picture of Charla and Chelsea when they were dumped at the pound in Bridgeport CT a few weeks ago in a box.  They are approximately six months old.   Despite numerous pleas for a rescue to take them in,  it didn’t happen.. and so  they were sent to the contracted vet facility for “treatment”. As you can see, both had mild Demodex mange, a very treatable disorder, and neither were emaciated.

Unfortunately, under the care of the contracted vet by the city of Bridgeport, their condition deteriorated and
they contracted Parvo as well as worsening case of mange.  Both are still in serious condition, and Chelsea is just starting to show signs that she will survive.

Charla isn’t as sick as her sister and is already perking up quite a bit…

 Enter several rescuers including Lorin, who is our Dog Days Adoption Events Founder and Dog Savior Extraordinare.  The pups have been transfered to a quality veterinary facility and will go home with Lorin for care once they are stable.  Those of you who follow my Dog Days Posts know what we do. See labels on the sidebar for more information.  CHIP.. was last year’s project.  He has his own label on the left too… you would not believe the turnaround once Lorin took him in and we all chipped in to care and feed and medicate and love him.  He is a happy healthy boy a year later, living with his new loving family.  We’re hoping we can do the same for these two.
Last year we raised money for Chip’s medical expenses in several ways, but a big contributor was the widget you see on my side bar.  If you would like to contribute to Chelsea and Charla’s medical expenses, please use the widget, it’s a paypal format and I  had no trouble using it even though I don’t have a paypal account. Even $5. will help tremendously. 
 A brief recap of the story of CHIP 

He was pulled from a kill shelter looking like this….
took a while to turn around the bend to better health
with MUCH care and medication and love…
helped by YOUR contributions!!

Lorin with Chip at the vet for a checkup…

And this is Chip now, with adopted family and older “brother”.

It indeed takes a village, see what we accomplish when we pull together?
One dog at a time..
This time, two.
I’ll keep you posted on Chelsea and Charla’s progress
as I did with Chip.  You know I”ll be taking pictures as soon
as they come home to Lorin.

On Chip and Vick (warning – graphic)

 Some of you might remember Chip the miracle dog rescued from a kill shelter in Miami, and believed to have been a dog fight bait puppy.   Below is his “before rescue” picture….

His adopted Family sent in this recent picture of Chip
as a healthy adult with his big brother..
It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
For more on Chip’s story, see my labels on the left..
…Chip has his own tab.
M*chael Vick has a new book out and a new clothing line…
He wants to move past his bad reputation
and set the record straight – he’s enjoying his new freedom and lease on life.
The many dogs he had a hand in mutilating have no life. They’re dead.
This man was given a 36 million dollar NFL contract besides
all the endorsements… Please… I beg you..
don’t give him another dime or minute of your time
by purchasing any of his products.
I’ve lost all respect for officials of the NFL as well…
apparently the money a showboat player can bring to the table
for them is more valuable than humanity.
36 Million more valuable. 
Disgusting.  Just that.  

Chip’s happy ending – a new beginning

Some of you have asked for an update on Chip and his new family.  Here’s an e-mail from them and photos  – I’m crying tears of joy. (p.s  Bruno is their other dog. )

I came home early from school (sorry, JV Basketball) so I could look in on “the boys” while Linda was at work. Chip was in his crate, as good as gold, tail wagging as he waited for release. Bruno was pleased I was home early. He was standing sentry – as he always does – front legs up on the back of the living room couch, eyes fixed on the road.

Now the dilemma was: Do I give Bruno his beloved 2-miler before dark (it was 3pm)? Or do I get Chip outside, right quick (bathroom break), and see if maybe HE is ready for a full 2-mile loop? I chose Chip. Bruno was crushed, but stoic.

As Chip and I walked up the driveway to the road, I looked back, and there was Bruno’s head framed in the living room window, as he stood vigil on the back of the couch, sadly watching us and the road.

The temp. was mid-to-upper 30’s and Chip was being good, so we turned down Woodchuck Hill Road and into the Full Loop. Chip was very good on the leash, behaving very much as Bruno does, taking great and studied interest in smells that he paused to investigate along the way. He responded well to me. I tend to say very little on a dog walk, unless I have something to discuss with Bruno, who is an excellent listener. Chip doesn’t yet have Bruno’s wisdom, so I kept my philosophical queries to myself. But I DID utter my occasional home-brewed utterances – “GIT off-the-road” and “UP! GIT up.” when a car approaches. Chip was darned good, and he was attentive.

When he and I got home, Linda was getting ready to take Bruno out for a walk. When they left, Chip wolfed down his treat, his antibiotic (wrapped in ham), and his dinner. Then he went right to the living room couch, where he stood, front legs on the windowsill, standing vigil over the road where Linda and Bruno had just walked.

Chip is fast becoming a family member. And a tip of the hat to patient Saint Bruno, who is absolutely remarkable, as he calmly assumes the role of mentor to his rambunctious protege.

So the family solidifies. I’m very pleased.


  Are you feeling the love here, like I am?  Tears are hitting my keyboard as I type this, and it goes way beyond my joy for this loving dog and his new lease on life. The news out in the world can be so discouraging, and there is so much we can’t fix.  But there is so much we CAN do, even in the tiniest of measures.  Chip is just one dog among millions that need help. Each of you that take the time and make the effort, big or small… to assist a person or an animal in need… you are helping to change the world for the better. Your deed counts.   Just as the  beach needs every grain of sand to be a beach….  Every grain of kindness we impose on this earth brings it closer to the kind of world we want it to be.

Chip on October 3rd visiting the vet…

Chip with Michelle West, Shoreline Vet extraordinare….
Chip with Lorin, his Caregiver and this story’s HERO.
Chip with his new Dad.
Hooray for the Underdog.
And for people who make this world a better place.

Happy Tails

 For those of you who have been following Chip’s story, he’s doing great… acting like the puppy that he is, still the wonderful loving disposition, and he has a coat now!  He appears to be a lab/pit/shar pei mix, if you can imagine.  Here he is with a rescue volunteer who came to visit him last week at Lorins house.   He will be ready to go to his forever home very soon. If you live in Connecticut and know someone who would give him an excellent home (because he really deserves it!)… send me an e-mail at karenthisoldhouse@hotmail.com and we can arrange a visit.

And THESE dogs below… are from Dog Days in Branford.
Their new owners have been kind enough to send updates…
all is well that ends well.  🙂
This is Maple.. who has adjusted very nicely to her new digs…
Ella with her new coat and a big sister who adores her…

Jackson and Dawson and this wonderful couple who rescued TWO!
A picture says a thousand words.

A Chipper Chip and a Winner!

 Actually, Chip IS the winner… he is doing fabulously, folks.  Running, jumping, playing, eating, growing a COAT!!!.. He loved my sneaker laces last night… it was so good to see him acting like a puppy.  Lorin is doing a fantastic job with meds and lotions and oils and whirlpool epsom salt baths, etc. etc…. Thank you again for all of your monetary and good wishes contributions. Look what we’ve all accomplished!!!… For those of you who are new, just look to the right and you’ll see where Chip started, at a kill shelter down South in horrible condition.

And the winner of the give-away, via random.org, and I’m sorry but I couldn’t figure out how to post that widget result on my blog… is No. 25, which is a comment left by Cait Throop!!  Cait, e-mail me with your address and I’ll ship it off right away 🙂   I loved all of your responses, what a hoot!   I think it’s safe to say none of us will EVER jump out of a plane or bungee jump.  Ditto!!… I plan to do this again because you guys are so much fun with your answers.

My responses:

1. I’m pretty certain that I will absolutely NEVER  drink peachtree schnapps, ever again. Ever.

2. I have a bad habit of worrying, way too much.

3. I never leave the house without my underwear.

4. The last time I thoroughly cleaned out my refrigerator was ….ummm…. well… I think.. it …was… .maybe
5. If I had a tattoo, and I’m not saying I do or would or will, I think I would put a rising phoenix of my own design with my kids names on the wings somewhere that no one can see it unless it’s intentional.   Not that I  do or would or will.

6. Three things I can’t live without…. My animals,    love,    evidence in the human race of kindess, compassion, empathy.

7. I like my coffee to be a good quality coffee with heavy cream, no sugar… but with Acid Reflux I usually drink honey and apple cider vinegar “tea”.   Yeah. Fun.

This and that

  It’s an odd Fall season this year… apple picking in 85 degree temps,  the colors in the foliage are muted, some of the trees have already lost their leaves, never having turned their traditional golden hue.  We’ve had some glorious weather, but it’s not the usual for this time of year.   So many natural disasters around the world…this past winter was horrendous here in New England.. summer was brutally hot, Irene blew through and burned and toppled trees… and now this Indian Summer.  Global warming?.. I don’t know… Global SOMETHING, for sure.

All of these pictures were taken in the last three days…
It almost appears as if these were spread among two seasons.
It’s as if the Earth isn’t sure where she’s at. 

 I’m just throwing a chicken pic in here because I can.
The girls are giving me four eggs a day now, and have become friendly.
They finally  figured out where their food comes from, I’m guessing.
No chicken will ever be a brain surgeon, this I know to be true.
The new tree hydrangea we put in is turning a beautiful dusty rose…

Opie hasn’t grown much of a winter coat yet, temps too warm.
 The mini’s HAVE grown their winter coat.. and are hot on these very warm days…

 Ben isn’t shivering yet when he’s kicked out in the early morning to do his business…

 This time last year the hill was ablaze with color…
The fire bush still puts on it’s show.. love this shrub.

 A dirt road along a reservior nearby… normally red and gold.  We used to be able to ride horses along the road, it was beautiful.  The water company owns the land, ( they actually own a third of our town land) and decided horse poop might pollute the streams that meander into the reservior, and so we are no longer allowed to be in there.

 In my thirty years of trail riding,
 I don’t think my horse has ever pooped in a stream. 
 Just sayin.  

 They’ve put up gates and wire to deter trespassing. It’s discouraging, the continued loss of trail systems for horse people.  To think it was once, and not that long ago, the main form of transportation. Now deemed a nuisance.

A little Chip update… yesterday we had a meeting at the next
Dog Days Adoption Event site – Oct. 29th & 30th at the Branford Elks Club.
Lorin brought Chip along so he could get some fresh air and
be part of an interview with a reporter.
He was perky, wagging his little butt and tail around
as he greeted us, and his skin is much less angry.
There is even a fine coat growning and, and it appears he has a white spot on his chest.
Crappy photo from my iphone, but you see the love there.
So far he’s tolerating the Ivermectin treatments, Amen for the small but important things.
Some might say I’m making a big deal out of an abandoned mangy puppy.
No.. the really big deal is how people have come together to
help out an abandoned mangy puppy. Score one for humanity.  
I’ll be  taking pictures here tomorrow…. if you’re local and you walk or run,
this is a great event in a beautiful setting. Come join the fun and get some exercise.
The blogging community is dominated by women…
why that is, I’m not sure.   Perhaps we’re more willing to
“put ourselves out there”.
I’m always pleased to see a few members of the other gender
join in… won’t you please welcome Andy of The Little White House..
As you southerners would say… Y’all have a great weekend.
I just like saying that. 🙂

Chip Today….

  This just in from Lorin regarding Chip’s progress this morning….. and the good word is PROGRESS!!!!
 Here he is in bed this morning.

 “A few more, ‘chip chip hoorays’ – Sarah F. dropped off a “beepless” laser light machine because Chip is afraid of the beeping from the machine, thank you!  Another bff for Chip is Marianne F. she stops by daily with research on mange and new natural products to help his immune system and maintain his skin.  Bobbie B.  dropped of an anti-bacterial shampoo, and Martha D,  takes him for vet visits and play dates when I can’t clear the time –  this boy has some really dear friends and he wouldn’t be where he is today without all of you, indeed you’re very special people.”

BIG thank you to Nadia D.  for the huge container of food for Chip – this boy eats two packages of ground turkey per day with rice added in.  He’s doing as well as can be expected. Yesterday he went to Martha’s house during the day so I could concentrate on work – he came back playful and full of the devil for sure so I think he’s on the mend.   This is day three of the dreaded Ivermectin treatment for his mange but so far he’s holding up well.  Chip’s bff, Karen M. , will be back soon for updated pics, your kind comments and support keep us both going, thank you!

So.. my blog buddies… this is what you’re helping us accomplish.  It looks as if Chip is pulling through, dare I hope.  And your contribution is what’s making it possible along with our efforts. Thank you ALL!….

I’ll be taking pics this weekend so you can see for yourself 🙂