Need a really cool collar or leash?

 Visit  and order a collar or leash in the month of April and she will donate 40% of the proceeds to Dog Days Adoptions Events! ..

    Since we are a non-profit and take no money from the rescue groups who bring their shelter dogs to our two day adoption events or the adopters who take them home, we have to raise money in the months before each event to make it happen.  If your pooch needs a new collar or leash, there are so many really cool designs on this etsy sight, please consider purchasing this month by visiting the above link.    Below are just a few of the fun designs…    

Another Day for the Dogs

 The line up for this years adoption events is taking shape… next up?  Dog Days in Saybrook, May 18 & 19th.  Flyer posted below if you are looking for a new four legged family member.  Last year Frasier came to be a part of our family after being brought to Dog Days in Old Saybrook… amazing how fast a year goes by.

This is Frasier at our event, waiting for his forever home. He had been rescued from a kill shelter, all matted and filthy.    He was brought to the Saybrook adoption event by his rescue group. 

He was then adopted by an older gentleman who came with references. He decided to let Frasier loose in the first fifteen minutes he owned him, and then decided he wasn’t worth looking for. This IDIOT came back to our event and asked for his adoption money back. Yeah… go figure. He was refunded simply because we wanted to try to find Frasier and KEEP him away from the delinquent. After three days of searching his neighborhood we found Frasier.

You all know the rest.  
SO!!  Here we go again!…

Dog days Graduates…

 I’m sharing two awesome pics on FB of two Dog Days graduates… Actually, Charla (and sister Chelsea )were taken in by Lorin and Lillian of Dog Days, both pups suffering from neglect and demodex mange. They have their own label on the side bar there if you want to read more of their story.
Charla before and after….  
 She was adopted by Lillian, her foster  mom  (Lil is now one of us, a Foster ….Here she is playing in the snow with  another Dog Days Adoption Event graduate,  Slider.  I think Slider and Charla like the snow, don’t you?
Some of you contributed to their medical expenses and I want you to see
what your generosity accomplishes. 
NOW.. inquiring minds want to know.
When you read a blog… what type of appearance is the most appealing to you?
If you read my blog often you know I’m always changing things up.
Maybe that’s annoying.  A dark background might be hard to read.
A simpler look is easier on the eyes. The pics take too long to load?
Let me know what your opinions are in the comments section below.
And thank you again, from the dogs 🙂

How Stella got her groove back

Somewhere along the line
a very pretty hound girl was dumped in the Georgia wilds.
Fischer Rescue Family came along and took her under their wing.
She had an infection and her spleen had to be removed.
Hence, the name “Spleeny”.
Enter Dog Days Adoption Event on Dec. 1st in Clinton.
Spleeny awaits the person who might come along
and give her another chance at a loving permanent home.
Dave comes in… walks right over to Spleeny,
talks with the Ranger in charge of Spleeny (my boy!)
Takes Spleeny for a walk,
discusses Spleeny with Rescue group…
takes one more stroll around the dog pens
and says.. That’s My Dog.
Dave fit all the requirements to adopt…
and so…
Spleeny went home with Dave the next day.
He renamed her.. Stella.

 Posted on FB today….HAPPY TAILS FROM THE DOG DAYS ADOPTION EVENT IN CLINTON, CT! This is Stella (formerly SPLEENY) with her new dad, Dave. Stella and Dave connected at Dog Days and , wouldn’t ya know, they were the perfect match! Stella’s doing just great in her new home with her big brother, Eddie (he’s already very protective of her), and has made fast friends with EVERYONE at the dog park! Dave reports that, just as we all suspected, Stella is so smart and has such a keen hound nose that he’s thinking of training her to do search & rescue work! Congratulations, Stella, Dave and Eddie – happy life together!

And THAT.. my friends…
is how Stella got her groove back .
It’s a beautiful thing. 


It’s a beautiful thing…

 It never ceases to amaze me… we but up posters, we post to FB, people share and share again… but there’s no way to know how many people will come out, and pass the interviews and criteria…to adopt the shelter dogs.  The support we get  with adopters who show up, sometimes hours before we’re going to open the doors to the adoption event. is simply amazing.   The volunteers are more than amazing.

 Adopters have to go through a process if they find a dog they’d like to adopt. It ain’t easy.  There’s an application form, then an interview, then a meeting with the vet and the trainer… if all goes well and everyone feels it’s a good fit for dog and new adopter, the rescue is paid the adoption fee (which includes spay or neuter, shots, worming)  and off they go to their new home.  Some are aggravated by the process… they just want to come in and grab the dog and go.  But we wouldn’t be doing anyone justice, especially the dog… if we didn’t make sure there was a very good chance it was a safe home, a good fit. 

Thirty three dogs got homes yesterday, just 15 or so left today.  GO DOG DAYS!!!  Clinton Petco, 11-4, although if all dogs are adopted before 4pm, the doors will close early.

This three legged boy got a home!

Smiley on the left still looking for a home…

This girl got a home…
This boy got a home…

My son and friend did a great job volunteering..
and these two brothers, Andy and Alvin, got a home!

Dog Days Founder Lorin and volunteers working their magic…

Spleeny got a home! and hopefully a new name.
I had a bad hair day.. just hush.


Today’s the day! GO DOG DAYS!

Clinton, CT
Right next to PETCO on Route 81
11am-4pm  Today and tomorrow
BE THERE if you’re looking for a new fourlegged family member.
If you’re not, help spread the word to family and friends who might
be interested in giving a home to the more than 80 shelter dogs and puppies
who will be looking for their forever homes.
Sonny wants a real home for the holidays….
…so does Sadie Sue.
See previous post if you’d like to contribute to our Fischer Family
helping hands tribute.  I’ll be there today, you can ask for me or Lorin
if you have anything you’d like to donate to the fischer family or their rescue
operation.  You can also donate on her blog – link in previous post. 
  Thank you – and…

An Angel Among Us

  In my experiences with shelter dog rescue, I have come across some of the most extraordinary people. Most don’t have a wealth of monetary resources to do the work they do. They give of themselves physically, mentally, and even monetarily, over and over again to improve the plight of homeless dogs and puppies lanquishing in shelters.

 Susan Fischer is one of those people. Not only does she take in abused, neglected, abandoned dogs and cats, but she has adopted nine children and raised them with two of her own.

Susan, far right, with her daughters.

 Susan is loading up a bus  and driving all the way from Georgia today to come to our event to find homes for 35 dogs she has rescued.  Dog Days has worked with her before, and despite the financial hardships of raising all those kids and saving all those dogs on her own, she is the one rescue who ALWAYS complies with all our requirements for the health and safety of the dogs and new adopters.
After getting to know her over the course of several adoption events, I had no idea she had a blog, nor did I know the extent to which she gives of herself to these children and the hundreds of shelter dogs and cats she has saved from euthanazia. 
 We’ll be working  with her this weekend at Petco in Clinton, helping her to find homes for those 35 dogs. Some of her children come with her and help also. Amazing, all of them. 
  During the event, we want to say thanks in a big way to Susan for all she does, and we’d like to make her load alittle lighter this holiday season – if you are local and would like to donate a gift card of any kind, or a five dollar donation toward gas money to fuel the bus she drives to bring her kids and dogs where they have to go…or a wrapped gift appropriate for any of her children,   ask for Lorin or Karen  at the event  and specify this is for SUSAN FISCHER- Saturday and Sunday, 11am-4pm to drop it off.  Or, for those of you who know where I live, you can drop it off at This Old House too. 
  If you’re not local and you want to help Susan’s cause, her blog is HERE…. She has no idea we’re doing this, but I know it will be appreciated.  Become a follower to show her your support, leave a comment, and if you’re so inclined, donate by clicking on the link on the right of her blog.  
  You know I wouldn’t steer you wrong, this is a worthy cause you can believe in.  Let’s put some wind beneath this Angel’s wings….  

Let’s do it again…

This is the intake picture of Charla and Chelsea when they were dumped at the pound in Bridgeport CT a few weeks ago in a box.  They are approximately six months old.   Despite numerous pleas for a rescue to take them in,  it didn’t happen.. and so  they were sent to the contracted vet facility for “treatment”. As you can see, both had mild Demodex mange, a very treatable disorder, and neither were emaciated.

Unfortunately, under the care of the contracted vet by the city of Bridgeport, their condition deteriorated and
they contracted Parvo as well as worsening case of mange.  Both are still in serious condition, and Chelsea is just starting to show signs that she will survive.

Charla isn’t as sick as her sister and is already perking up quite a bit…

 Enter several rescuers including Lorin, who is our Dog Days Adoption Events Founder and Dog Savior Extraordinare.  The pups have been transfered to a quality veterinary facility and will go home with Lorin for care once they are stable.  Those of you who follow my Dog Days Posts know what we do. See labels on the sidebar for more information.  CHIP.. was last year’s project.  He has his own label on the left too… you would not believe the turnaround once Lorin took him in and we all chipped in to care and feed and medicate and love him.  He is a happy healthy boy a year later, living with his new loving family.  We’re hoping we can do the same for these two.
Last year we raised money for Chip’s medical expenses in several ways, but a big contributor was the widget you see on my side bar.  If you would like to contribute to Chelsea and Charla’s medical expenses, please use the widget, it’s a paypal format and I  had no trouble using it even though I don’t have a paypal account. Even $5. will help tremendously. 
 A brief recap of the story of CHIP 

He was pulled from a kill shelter looking like this….
took a while to turn around the bend to better health
with MUCH care and medication and love…
helped by YOUR contributions!!

Lorin with Chip at the vet for a checkup…

And this is Chip now, with adopted family and older “brother”.

It indeed takes a village, see what we accomplish when we pull together?
One dog at a time..
This time, two.
I’ll keep you posted on Chelsea and Charla’s progress
as I did with Chip.  You know I”ll be taking pictures as soon
as they come home to Lorin.

Going to the Dogs!

 If you’re local and you have some time this weekend, stop by the Dog Days Estate and Bake Sale at 101 N. Main Street in Essex today or tomorrow, 9am-1pm.  They’re raising money for another adoption event and could use all the help they can get.    The two puppies you see below are from Connecticut Animal House and are also in need of homes.   A big thank you to my blog friend Hilary of Crazy as a Loom for donating two beautiful rag rugs and a looper loom for the occasion.

You folks are why I love blogging.

16 T-shirts already sold
just to my fellow bloggers alone!
That’s $320….
the cost to pull  10 dogs from kill shelters and bring them to rescue and ultimately adoption.
You, my blog friends have already chipped in to save 10 dogs from euthanasia…
Just so you KNOW what you’ve done.
Hilary of Crazy as a Loom
has done some rescue work herself
and has also donated a Looper Loom and
beautiful blue rag rug for us to auction off…
Hilary, you rock. Just that.
Vicky, you’re going through your own trials..
and yet, you still give and give of yourself..
you amaze me.
Thank you!