
Some of you might remember the Chicken Sh*t saga.
This fall we finally spread the last of it, then regraded the entire field behind the
horse barn, and left a big pile of the extra dirt from the regrade
on the edge of the field to ferment futher.
We fortified the soil in the field with lime too, for better quality hay growth this coming season.
Valentines Day was spent redistributing the extra dirt,
with a hired dump truck  to haul it to another farm that is using it to dry out their fields.

Since I don’t run with the big dogs when they’re digging in the dirt,
I wandered off to the old bottle dump behind the farm with my camera.
  Back at the house, I noticed such rich purple/gold hues in my chocolate coral bell patches…
during a normal winter season these would be crispy brown leaves under snow.

If you’re still with me here, I forgot to announce the winner of the Peanut Butter coupons from
Peanut Butter and Company –  Tgannon!!   He’s already been notified.
Thank you for all your kind words on yesterday’s post regarding the many 
different views of Love.  It was so much fun.
And just so ya know, often I try to reply to a comment left here,
so many of you say such nice things or ask a question.
But there are still quite a few readers who have that function turned off,
so I can’t reply.  If you wish to change that… here’s how.