Is it… could it be?….

Yesterday was so darn Spring-like, I took advantage of the semi-warm weather and went out to our little greenhouse to plant zinnia seeds.  Wonder of wonders, I was able to do it in a T-shirt without benefit of a jacket.   After this years winter, it’s as if we’re emerging slowly from an Alaskan wilderness dream slow to end, eyes blinking, face up to the sun,  not accustomed to the light and warmth. 

Amazing that these dried out, flat little seeds will produce beautiful
flowering plants in the months to come. 

Gardening, even on a very small scale, is so rewarding an experience.
If you haven’t ever given it a try, I recommend you do so in whatever manner
works for your lifestyle.  Even a city rooftop or a suburban deck can
be the host to a little container garden and the supplies don’t have to cost very much at all.  

 It felt so good poking around in the dirt I decided to start my little fairy garden beneath the big sugar maple tree  in the backyard.

  It’s too early to plant anything here just yet…

 Then I took Ben for a walk down the road, and oh did it feel good/bad/  We’ll be doing a lot more of that.   Got a dog that pulls on you and makes walking an unpleasant experience?  Get yourself an Easywalk harness.  Totally humane, does the job.  At 190 lbs, even a mild tug from Ben is a BIG one. This harness has made our walking experience easy as a breeze and causes no pain to the dog.

I swear I heard a chorus sing when I looked down on my little “seaside real estate”
perennial garden and saw a crocus poking it’s head through the soil.
It’s a beautiful thing. 

So excited was I  by the prospect of warm weather, I tried on a bathing suit I bought on sale at Nautica for the coming summer.  Oh, it fit just fine.  But what I looked like in it was a whole ‘nother story.  No, you won’t get a picture of that.   You’re welcome.

So… More walking , a yoga kick start and some light weight training are in store. 

 A health tip I have been given before but didn’t heed until now… real simple.  Warm Lemon water every morning.   It benefits so many things, from digestion to inflammation and weight loss.   Excellent  not.too.long article  HERE  about that very thing.   Amazing, the benefits for your body of just that simple health regimen. 

It’s a new day, all –  Make it  a good one. 

Ask me how much I love Spaghetti Squash

As a pasta lover, one of the most difficult things to give up in my quest to go gluten free and less carb addicted was giving up Pasta.   There are so many things I used to make for my family that involve pasta and bread.   The kids still indulge now and then, but they can well afford it.  The husband and I really want to avoid it in an effort to shed the extra pounds and in my case, get rid of the gluten issues in my body.

SO.. am so very thrilled to have discovered through FB  the wonders of spaghetti squash.  Can’t believe I’ve never heard of or tried this before, but folks… I’m telling you… it’s delicious!  and it’s a great substitute for pasta!  AND… it’s so easy to make and good for you too!  * Spaghetti squash is beloved among those who are watching their carbs, as
it is higher in nutrients and lower in carbs and calories than pasta.*

Here’s what  I’ve done with it so far, and it was gone so fast you could use the term inhaled... even by my finicky eating son.

You buy a few squash at the grocery store, I think they’re common… and I needed three to feed my family and have enough.  You wash them, cut them in half length wise, scoop out the seeds – not unlike pumpkin guts – place them cut face down on a cookie sheet and bake for 25 minutes or so at 350 degrees.  The skin begins to turn soft when they are done.   Take them out of the oven, allow to cool some, then take a fork and literally scratch the insides, which immediately make spaghetti!  Then add the sauce of your choice.   I made my favorite Pesto… recipe below…

 before removing the “guts”

My favorite Pesto recipe

2 firmly packed ups of basil leaves
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tbs pine nuts or slivered almonds
2 cloves (or more!) of garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
3 tbs butter cut into pieces

Place all in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.
If you are cooking regular pasta, add a small amount of the cooked pasta
water to the sauce, mix well and serve.
If  using with spaghetti squash, I added a few tbs of hot water to give it
a better texture. 


Coastal living

 We finally found the perfect affordable seaside cottage!  Taxes are nothing to speak of, maintenance is a piece of cake.. or driftwood… no high insurance rates, right on the beach!

Our cottage is your cottage… feel free to stop in any time, the door is always open!

Seriously, the weather on the coast yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. No breeze, water smooth as glass and a fine haze from the warming water and air that made the horizon blend with the sea in a way that made it almost impossible to separate with the eye.  We took a long walk and soaked it all in….

 Two seals sunning themselves on the rocks….


The best thing you can do for yourself that doesn’t cost a penny is getting out
in the fresh air and taking a walk.  It doesn’t have to be a competition or a strict schedule
and distance. Just get out there and do it as often as you can.
It does a body.. and soul… good.


  In my quest to shed these extra pounds I have managed to pack on in recent times, I’ve done some serious diet and meal restructuring and the husband has already lost 12 lbs.  Me? Not so much.  And that drives me -nutz- because in years gone by, I had no trouble dropping the weight when I wanted to.  And I WANT TO!!!.. While we are eating primarily Paleo foods (think hunter gatherer)… we do still consume some dairy but it’s limited. I realized after talking to several friends that I am eating too much fruit (natural sugar) and that’s slowing the weight loss down.  One of the “snacks” recommended was nut butter..and I immediately thought Peanut butter, which I’ve loved all my life.  But in the healthier foods sections of most stores and whole food markets you will also find nut butters I never paid attention to before… Almond, Pecan, Hazelnut, Cashew, Macadamia,  etc.    So I did some research in that department because damn, I need a healthy snack that won’t pack on the pounds. A Healthy fat kind of snack..  you can bake with nut butters too, but I’m looking to eat a teaspoon of the stuff to tide me over now and then.
 First let me show you something I could not believe…. It looks delicious at first glance…
Until you read the ingredients. 
Ingredients: Sugar, Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed And Palm), Hazelnuts, Cocoa Process With
Alkali, Skim Milk, Whey Powder, Contains 2% Or Less of Sunflower
Lecithin, Natural Flavor. May Contain Almond, Cashew, Pistachio, Soybean and WHEAT INGREDIENTS
*if you have a wheat allergy or are trying to avoid it and gluten..
well that’s a sneaky additive, isn’t it. 
When SUGAR is the first ingredient and you’re not holding a bag of Domino Sugar in your hand? … walk away.  Holy cow.

 Compare to Justins – which I bought… 
roasted hazelnuts, dry roasted almonds, organic cane sugar, organic
cocoa, organic cocoa butter, palm fruit oil*, vanilla, sea salt.
Now, there is still sugar in this product, although much much less… and you can buy raw nut butter with NO sugar at all,  and even NO SALT… which is best…  but it’s a heck of a lot better than JIF.  The other big difference?  Jif is less than $4.00 for the jar.. whereas Justins was $14.00 for close to the same amount. 


  You know… it shouldn’t cost MORE money to eat healthy… and it’s often said that low income families tend to eat crap.   Because it’s affordable!  All consumers should have better options. 
Shame on the makers of JIF… now Smuckers Company bought from Procter and Gamble.. for making a NUT butter that’s first ingredient is SUGAR.    *sigh* 
-Just Sayin

Here we go again…

 Another new year… the promise to eat better, exercise more, finally get that extra weight off… blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.   That’s certainly us every single year at this old house – and we’re doing the same dance once again.

 Only this time I hope it sticks. I just downloaded a bunch of paleo recipes that sound absolutely delicious and I like the paleo diet because it doesn’t deny you  healthy things like fruits and vegetables (think Atkins). And it works!  We know several friends who have accomplished their weight loss goals by eating paleo and exercising regularly, so here we go. 

  An excellent link for some great resources and paleo recipes HERE
We’re about to get more snow and some really cold temps..
I’m heading out to the barn with coffee in hand to put warmer blankets on horses
and check the water and heater in the chicken coop. 
The dogs are in hibernation mode.
In full camo. 


Happy, Healthy 2014 to all – 
with special prayers going out to bloggers
 Vicky, Ms. A,  and Kate, Hilary, among others…
who were handed a hard row to hoe in 2013.
 May the new year be kinder and gentler to all
and may we find renewed strength with a hopeful eye
 to the future and it’s possibilities.


Just do it

I once asked a friend who was in her late 70’s at the time
how she managed to be in such great shape, moving around
as well as any forty year old I ever knew..
and her simple answer was – 
Those simple words speak volumes.

When I lived in suburbia, Staten Island, to be exact…
one of my favorite family rituals was the walks we would take
in my grandmothers Bard Avenue neighborhood after a delicious Sunday or holiday dinner.
I loved glancing over at the windows of the houses we passed,
seeing the warm glow inside and the decorations, the gardens in the yards.

We don’t live in a sidewalked neighborhood nowadays, but

the guy and I have been burning some sneaker rubber at our local parks
and in the woods behind this old house.. and it feels really good to do so.
Oh, it’s not always comfortable.. creeky knees and sore muscles,  whine, whine, 
blah blah blah. 
Don’t listen to the excuses your body gives you, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
I believe walking is the best form of physical exercise, and it’s totally FREE
once you buy yourself a good pair of walking shoes. 
Good shoes/sneakers are important or you won’t keep doing it. 
So, if you’ve been contemplating a little effort toward better health, 
what are you waiting for? 
Even 15 minutes around a city block or down a country road
improves your health. Make it a point to get out there atleast three or four times
a week and you will reap the benefits.  No excuses, anyone can find a little
slot of time to do this.. the quality of your life is worth the effort. 
For me, treadmills just don’t cut it, they bore me too easily 
and I quit before I’ve really gotten started. 
I find that picking different locations, not going the same route every day, 
helps with the motivation factor.  Also, taking a dog or husband or friend along helps too. 
Don’t drive yourself nuts with EXACT MILEAGE  or step counting
if you’re not a die hard fitness freak.
Just get out there and walk. Even ten minutes at lunch break counts.
Hammonasset State Park

And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!
 Are you a walker too?  What are your tips and tricks to keep the effort going?
Do you have a favorite place to get in your exercise?

Hunter Gatherers…..

….. that’s our beginning. We all originate from ancestors that hunted and gathered for their food.  Before supermarkets and restaurants and fast food joints, we had to spear fish and  kill animals for meat, gather seeds and berries.  We drank untainted waters and truly organic juices. As time progressed, we raised livestock and harvested produce from gardens.   It meant actually working physically to get our food, and we relied on skill and cunning, strong bodies and mind.  We were naturally fit. You can bet your booty there was no obesity or the plethora of diseases that come with it.
   By now you’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet…highly recommended by most physicians.  No grains, no dairy… lots of protein, veggies, some fruit, seeds, nuts.  It’s the diet of our ancestors without the physical toil, so we still need to throw in some exercise. I’ve heard friends talk about it, my husband’s chiropractor swears by it, and I have yet to hear a negative, although it’s not easy to live by, truth be told.   I already know that when I don’t consume wheat and dairy products, I feel a heck of a lot better and the extra pounds melt away.  No joint pain, fewer headaches, less stomach issues, less allergy congestion, less muscle fatigue.  I am not totally gluten free, because sometimes at the end of the day on a drive home after a long hike up a hill, that pizza joint is just calling my name and I don’t resist that scrumptious crust and oozy salty cheese.
   The particular hike I’m referring to here is one my husband and I took at Kent Falls on the other side of our State just a few days ago.  We were both shocked at how tired we got as we pushed up the stairs to get to the top.    “Jeez, are we THAT OLD already??”…..   the answer is no… we’re that out of shape and overweight. 
   We were disgusted enough to make a decision to help each other obtain our goal of better fitness once and for all.  (read that as – smack each other upside the head every time we see a junk consumption event in progress).   We’re going to attempt to conform mostly to the Paleo concept of eating… and I say mostly because I’m being realistic, too.  Oatmeal is a grain, but I believe it’s good for you judging by the reported health benefits and we’ll be eating butter too… apparently grass fed is OK.. Kerrygold is a grass fed butter and I found another organic pasture butter at the food store.  We’re also getting rid of Canola and Vegetable oil and we’re switching to Coconut oil and the Olive oil we’ve always used.  I’ve bought a family friendly Paleo cookbook and the recipes are indeed family friendly.. that’s refreshing.

Some links I’ve found useful
Read THIS article…. I’m never using Canola Oil again..
Did you even know what Canola actually is?
It actually.. isn’t.
The Paleo family cookbook I find user friendly
 A great paleo blog and website my friend Lynn recommended… and a recipe too

She’s coming out with a cookbook as well…
Two more sites worth a look… (thanks Elisa!)
I shopped at a health food store for items I didn’t have in the house to get us started.  I paid way too much for coconut oil …almost twice what I would have paid had I ordered online, which is what my friends who are already doing this have recommended.  Almond flour is also crazy expensive at the store. 
Good buying resources online..
(thanks again Lynn!)
One more thing I think is really important to discuss when we’re talking about the desire to make changes for the better in our every day health and wellness.  Most of us are gonna fall off the wagon now and again.  Don’t beat yourself up, we’re only human after all.  Don’t give up the ship just because there was a temporary leak in the bow.   Shit happens.. move forward.
Every step in the right direction is worth the effort.
If you have experience with this diet or want to share your healthy eating  habits and stories,
please do so in the comments section below.
So.. here we go Paleo!

Sound Mind, Sound Body

     I’ve been a worrier since I was old enough to remember.  With chronic worry comes the physical and mental toll, especially as we age.   Seven years ago now, several  very sad and terrifying things converged on our family at the same time and all hell broke loose with my body, mentally and physically.  I had a headache for a year straight – MRI, CT SCANS, meds after meds after meds, nothing wrong technically – but nothing got rid of the pain.  My blood pressure was above acceptable numbers and my anxiety peaked. I began having panic attacks.  If you’ve never had one of those, they are awful.  It’s as if you’re dying, that’s what it feels like. And it comes out of nowhere at any given time for what seems like no reason at all.  I could be walking in the grocery store or sitting in a restaurant, and the feeling of being unable to breathe, racing heart, sick stomach, certain doom!… came over me like a heavy wet blanket.   My body ached all the time, all over.  I was plagued by Acid Reflux.    Dr. visits, an ER visit or two or three!… and bad reactions to medications left me feeling absolutely spent and hopeless.  My husband gets kudos here for helping me through it all… there were many nights when I woke up in panic or violently sick in the bathroom and he rubbed my back or held my hair away from my face at the toilet. How’s that for a visual.

   What broke the cycle?  Well, the heart ache of a loss was less sharp as time went on,  and the healing of a child was so appreciated and such a gift it was hard to stay in the negative. But that wasn’t enough.  I changed what I was eating too. Visualize whatever you put in your body is either polluting it or nourishing it. You’re either feeding your body or feeding a disease…..  it’s that simple.  With that mantra, you’ll  think twice before scarfing down that junk food.  I stay away from Gluten most of the time, and boy do I feel better when I do.  I limit dairy too.

   I also  decided I didn’t want to live in a medication induced fog, didn’t want to live in constant fear, had to get control of my mind again by doing what I knew needed to be done. Getting off the meds if possible.   One of the suggestions that I had always scoffed at, because hey, I am so unbendy , can’t stop the mind from thinking 100 miles an hour, let alone CLEAR IT OF ALL THOUGHTS – HA!… …. was YOGA.  Well let me tell ya, once I gave it a try, and stuck with it….. what a difference a 20 minute simple easy routine for beginners makes.  Because of my hearing impairment, a yoga class is out of the question because I can’t hear the instructor, much less get in the pose while still trying to read her lips.  So I have several DVDs and a yoga mat and I do my routine at home. I try for at least four times a week, just 20 minutes at a clip.  Anyone can find time for that, and I sure do recommend it.

 My favorite DVD is a series that was on TV for a while. My sister let me know about it.
Kate Potter Namaste.  Her blog is HERE   . 
 I absolutely love these simple to follow routines. 
Not too much for the beginner and the scenery is peaceful and ever changing.
I have Season One and Two. 
I’m not being paid to endorse, here, so you can trust what I’m saying is true.  
The combination of yoga, walking and eating healthier has made a difference in my health.
The headache eventually went away and my anxiety is under control. 
My blood pressure isn’t perfect but it’s not in need of medication. 
My body aches are far less and the acid reflux is an occasional nuisance,
but it  not a constant.
Now and then I feel these issues creeping up on me again.
I’ll always worry,…hey, I have kids! … just can’t help that, and I do have arthritis from
all the years of using this body the way I do. 
 When I have what I call a flare up, I can 
attribute it to being  lax in eating habits and exercise routine.
One more thing that is so important to the well being of your body and your mind.
Feed your tendencies toward creativity and nurturing. 
Food for the SOUL as well as the body and mind. 
My family room this morning…
no one uses this room very much, so it becomes my place to “be”. 
My Yoga DVD on the tube..
My little dollhouse cottage project on the right..
and a new painting on the easel to the left. 
I haven’t picked up a paint brush in many years. 
Am I an accomplished artist?  Heck no.
But I love the process, so why ever not.
More on that later.  
Here’s a little peek into my dollhouse project..
The kitchen table… 
Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement, always.
It’s a new day, people, and holy heck, a HOT ONE. 
Stay cool, and make it a good one. 

a Reflux Remedy

When I was younger I could eat anything.
Hot wings, hot stuffed cherry peppers, pizza,
coffee, Enchiladas, horseradish anything,  stuffed jalapenos!
Not so much.
Dang this acid reflux.
I have found a remedy that helps when I’m in the throws
of a flare-up.  I had to pay a whopping $95. for the report that
swore it had the saving grace, the remedy to beat all remedies
for sufferers of Acid Reflux.  The Cure!
Yes I was suckered.
But the remedy does actually help.
I drink it as a morning tea.
Now I have to warn you, it’s not palatable to everyone..but I happen to like it.
Adding more honey to your taste preference helps.
Here it is.   I’ll save you the $95.
2 tbs. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
(with the Mother – which means the “pulpy stuff”.)
2 tbs. (or more) Honey
Put this in a mug and add hot water to make a “tea”.
Sip until gone.
Speaking of all these delicious foods…
here’s a link to a recipe I found this morning over at Sam’s place… YUM!


 I used to be a bean pole.  Then I grew up.  There was a decent figure for a long time, even through the childbearing years!  Then the middle age spread.   Muffin top.    More like pound cake.  And oooh, how I love food.. all kinds!    I’ll never be one of those folks who can restrict their diet in extreme ways, I don’t think that’s good for you anyway.   I know  some people who obsess over their aging bodies, obsess over what they’re eating, restriction, regiment, weighing portions, total elimination of this or that, sometimes frustrated over why they aren’t getting the results they desire through the methods they’re following.  Honestly, I think it all comes down to simple common sense that we all possess.   I know when I get to my heavier self, I haven’t been eating well or wisely.  I also know that my 47 year old body isn’t going to look like my 27 year old body, and I can honestly say I’m comfortable with it.  As we age, in order to do it gracefully and with peace of mind, there needs to be some acceptance too. For some… there-in lies the rub.

  Right now I’m heavier than I’d like, not because someone is telling me I’m fat, but because I just don’t feel as well as I should when I eat the crap that gets me to this weight.  So here I go AGAIN.. on a quest to get back to that healthier place, after falling off the wagon through this coooold winter.  I’m not beating myself up though, life will do that to you without your help, I know you know what I mean.

 My friend Lynn just sent me this link… and I really like it so I’m sharing it with you.  Common sense rules. This is pretty much what I’ve done before and it does work without deprivation or strict adherence to something that won’t last long term. No Fads, no fanaticism.  Do-able.