Hello all!

First I’d like to thank each of you who have inquired – where the heck are ya?   It’s such a good feeling to know there are people who give a darn, you know? 

The great news is I’ve been really busy with Homeward Bound CT’s first shelter dog adoption event!  It was AWESOME!!!..and so much work. I’m headed to the Physical therapist today for a back/shoulder adjustment..lol.

The second annoying thing is I have not been able to post on Internet Explorer for the past week! … just figured out now I can post to my blog on firefox (Foxfire?.. whatever)… and it works.  Not sure what’s going on there, but it is what it is.

SO.. I’m just going to post a few pics here and you’ll get the jist of last weekend… and again, thanks so much for caring.. all of you 🙂 

 Our core group…

….and so many awesome volunteers and adopters!  40 dogs home out of 53, 7 in foster homes, the rest went back home with their rescues.   It’s a beautiful thing.

The blue eyed dog on the right was adopted two years ago…
the returned for Brandy on the left. 

Ivy below get a lovely home… 

This is dogs with volunteers waiting to be checked by the vet prior to adoption.
Stanley is a big love and got a wonderful home where he will enjoy lakeside living. 

 It’s all about the dogs! 
Find us on FB and give us a “like”… check out our album for more success stories and for upcoming events and how you can help if you so choose. 
Homeward Bound CT

Oh heck, what’s one more….

  The hardest part of participating in shelter dog rescue and adoption events is -not- taking one home.  I always fall in love with atleast one face or two… you can see why.   All of these dogs and puppies were headed to death row on the fast track… All were saved because of caring individuals who are doing what they can to save as many as possible.  These dogs will be available at our adoption event here in CT Nov. 8th & 9th along with 40 others.  
  Look at these faces… all worth the life they were given. Blizzard would be my choice if I could have a fifth dog.  (ha ha… divorce court might be my next event if I attempted it).  

 Happy to report Alvin has put on weight since this picture and is now in good health.

Look for and “Like Us” on Facebook –  Homeward Bound CT
visit our website for more information..
Our dogs are listed on Adopt a Pet too..

It’s All About The Dogs

   Just weeks ago a bunch of us got together and said.. “hey, what more can we do for all those dogs out there who are sitting in shelters by the thousands?”   Well.. we can’t save them all, but no effort is wasted when you’re doing something good, so we banded together and having experience with it already, the first adoption event is shaping up in record time.  The site for the event was donated (a Christmas tree farm with a large barn – perfect!)  and we’re raising funds for the other expenses.  The rescues have pulled the dogs from kill shelters and they are now in quarantine, vetted, spayed or neutered if they weren’t already, being temperament tested and kid approved.

Some of the faces who will be attending the event, looking for their forever home….

This is our FB “face”…. if you are on FB and want to support our efforts,
like us  – Homeward Bound CT..

If you want to do even more, our t-shirts and mugs are now available
simply send us a message on FB with your request or e-mail itsallaboutthedogs2014@gmail.com
… all proceeds go to the dogs you see above plus about 40 more… and the efforts
to get them home.  Local people interested in adopting a dog can attend the Homeward Bound innaugural adoption event posted on the page – November  8th & 9th  at Hale Hill Tree Farm in Portland, CT.


Homeward Bound

 Some of you, my long time blog friends, are aware of the dog rescue groups I have volunteered for for several years.. Dog Days Adoption Events and Red Dog Project.  See labels on side for more on that.   My experience with Dog Days and Red Dog has been wonderful. There is no better feeling than coming together with a large group of like minded people to accomplish something that benefits so many.. in this case dogs languishing in kill shelters across the country.  The stats are horrible – according to the ASPCA, approximately 3-4 million cats and  dogs are euthanized each year, unable to find adopters before their “time is up”.   There are rescue groups trying to change that by holding adoption events to assist the rescues that pull the dogs from shelters and give them a better chance at finding a home. Dog Days and Red Dog  are doing wonderful things – they’ve accomplished tremendous success and a large volunteer base as a result.

 A small group of this band of volunteers recognized the need for more of these events. There are too many wonderful dogs still dying.   The formula works as long as strict guidelines like quarantining, rehab where needed, full health and temperament evaluations are performed.   The rescues are grateful for being given the venue to have their dogs seen by the public at an adoption event, giving them a much better chance of finding their forever home as opposed to sitting in a shelter cage hoping someone will come along.   Most often their financial resources are next to none and so they don’t have the tools to promote their dogs in the best possible light.  We volunteers can give them that opportunity… and so we are determined.

 If you are on FB, won’t you please visit our page  and “like” us.


 Our first adoption event will be held in November here in CT  – updates on the dogs we’re saving and will be up for adoption will appear regularly.  It will not have all the bells and whistles of the Dog Days events, but the end result will be the same… dogs surviving and thriving in their new forever homes. 

  Thank you –