more horse, ofcourse….after a word from no one’s sponsor

Funny, this blog thing.
I understand that some folks stop by this little space of mine
for the pictures… the farm, the animals,
the recipes, the pleasantries.
But life and some of its elements ain’t always grand..
and my blog is a chronicle of life as I experience it.
On occasion I use this space to discuss a troublesome topic.
I like to know what you’re thinking too..
and in the recent case of  a certain politician, I expressed outrage.
I believe I have the right to do so, and not many will
argue that he doesn’t deserve some wrath.
Anonymous was so offended by that post that her first word was
WOW and her last was GOOD BYE.
She  visited for the pictures of the property and roses. 
I can tell you that I never intend to offend,
but I’m not here to make everything “rosey” either.
I like to know I’m being real with you,
and I hope that’s evident here at This Old House 2.
Today K and Beemer were at an open show
not too far from here.. the weather was beautiful..
everyone had a good time and horse & rider were insync.
Lots of pretty horses, colorful ribbons, bows in little girls hair,
even pink braids on ponies…
This boy could have ridden his dog in a class!
What a big teddy bear, too.

Little brother and friend actually came to cheer on big sister.
But don’t tell anyone.  Unless you’re on FB.. because I plastered it there too 🙂

I just love this Clyde… what a well mannered horse.

Grammy came today too!

Heidi is training Beemer to do trail… they came in second, not bad for a greeny!

The bluest eye.

She who talks to insects

We got a whopper of a rain storm early in the evening…
Tornado watches in part of the state and more than a few lost power.

This morning the muggy grey sky humidity has returned.
Not even heavy rain dissuades it.

So I’ve been out among the perennials  this morning clipping dead-heads
and discussing politics with the bugs.
‘Round here, they’re the only ones who agree with me…
and the dogs ofcourse… but I feed them
and provide great bacon treats.  


I’ve never seen a spider like this one before…
the body as big as my thumbnail.
Looks poisonous to me, do ya think? 
Can you see the little angry alien on his body pattern?
*I googled – it’s a black and yellow garden spider, harmless.

 In any event, he’s not voting this year either.
Do I hear a collective gasp?
Nope, I’m not voting… because I don’t think we have an answer I can stand by
this time around.  No mud slinging here,
I just don’t see a clear answer.
And I’m really tired of the petty childish campaign behavior.
We’re looking foolish, folks.
No wonder our street cred is way down.
If we can’t respect each other, how is the rest of the world supposed to believe it.
Just sayin.

Regarding Equality

Another reason why I love this man, still…

“I’m a supporter of gay rights. And not a closet supporter either. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. There are so many qualities that make up a human being . . . by the time I get through with all the things that I really admire about people, what they do with their private parts is probably so low on the list that it is irrelevant.” ~Paul Newman

 Over the past week this subject has been discussed, blogged, written about over and over, and I am amazed at how much hate and prejudice is still out there on this subject.  Some of you might be offended by this post… and maybe I’ll lose a few readers too.. That’s OK, it’s your choice to make.  I’d like to have a conversation about this, politely, and with respect for any other’s point of view.   If you care to join, please leave your opinion on the matter in the comments section below, but I ask that you keep your comment respectful. No venom, please. 

 It is my belief  that we don’t CHOOSE our sexuality, any more than we choose our gender when we are born. I think we are what we are. I gravitate towards men who know what they want out of life, show some compassion and have strong looking hands.  I don’t have a choice, that’s what draws me, it is what it is.  .   

  I’ve heard the argument that the BIBLE says  same sex coupling is wrong… but who’s bible are we talking about… yours?… Your bible isn’t everyone’s bible….there are so many religions out there. They all believe they are THE religion.   People are killing people in the name of their religion.    Your beliefs are for you to celebrate and rightly so…but to impose it on others who don’t feel the same way, to view their religious or relationship beliefs as WRONG?… well… it’s not very… humane….and by ANY GOD.. the one thing we need more of on this planet is humanity.  Somehow when discussing differences in religous views, that seems to get lost in the fray.   How very ironic.

  I’ve also heard the argument that gay people have a CHOICE, that they can choose not to engage in gay behavior..Well,  gay relationships have been around for all of humanity, that’s in the history books too, although perhaps with some disquise.  Homosexuality isn’t a new deviant behavior.   If a person is naturally inclined toward a partner of the same sex,  who are we to demand that they be something that they aren’t, just so you feel more comfortable with it.  Is that fair in any sense of the word? 

 A blogger I respect tremendously states that it is scientifically proven that people are not born gay, that they have a choice.  I’m sorry… I don’t see how that can even be possible…how can anyone prove that a person wasn’t born with a certain sexual preference?   I spoke with a woman once who struggled for all of her young adult life to be STRAIGHT just so she wouldn’t disappoint her family.  She was very unhappy, miserable in fact.. but tried to live her life so that her family would approve.   Well, she found in her thirties that she couldn’t live the lie any longer, and has been in a very stable and happy relationship with another woman for many years.  Her family did not disown her, infact they get along better now than they ever did, because there are no lies, no pretending between them.  I knew two young men throughout gradeschool who were clearly gay from first grade on.    Both are fine middle aged men in solid relationships who have done much for their community, for people in need, for animals in need.  I don’t give a damn what they do in the bedroom.

As for Chic-Fil-*… Well, they have a right to freedom of speech.  I’m not sure why Mr. Cath*’s statement has made such a big… statement.   Maybe it was an advertising ploy. If so, it worked.  They’ve gained many customers this week.  And they’ve lost some too.   Personally, I’m more concerned with the horrendous  treatment of factory restaurant chickens than I am with their religious/relationship beliefs.  *humane… there’s that word again.

A message for you

   Amazing, this blog world.  three years ago I started a web log of our renovation work on This Old House. I thought it would just serve as a diary of our progress and no one would pay much attention but friends and family.  Little did I know that I would make many friends, share life’s trials and tribulations,  find comfort and solice,  swap recipes, food for thought too… with all of you. 

   I want to thank you for reading  my drivel, my antics. You cheer on my family and laugh along with me. We may not always agree, but the point in all this is the conversation.  Heck, sometimes I learn something new and change my way of thinking just a little.   (note- To my husband- JUST HUSH-.)    I appreciate every comment, every view point – as long as it isn’t nasty or a personal attack on others. You’ve never failed me in this… so please, carry on!  and THANK YOU.

PS… some of you still have your e-mail blocked so that I can’t respond to your comments.  This sometimes breaks my heart a little because you leave such nice comments or ask a question and I can’t respond.  There might be reasons why you do this and that’s OK, but just know that if you want to change it, here’s how… it’s a wordy post, but scroll down alittle and you’ll see the tutorial, it’s easy.

Sports Parents

Forgive me this, another gripe…
My son plays for a Babe Ruth league.
He’s also played soccer and basketball
on several levels
and my daughter was an AAU Basketball player.
I have seen so much bad behavior among parents over the years
that I have little patience any more…
I’m supposed to go to a baseball game this afternoon..
and I love to watch my son in action,
but I loathe the bad behavior I might see in the adult section of the ballfield.
It’s difficult for me to keep my mouth shut
when I hear parents  ridiculing the performance of other people’s children
or complaining about coaches or umpires.
Just as bad – parents who get into arguments with opponent  parents
while the kids sit back and watch.. probably in horror!
What are we teaching our kids?..
It ranks right up there with people who put their personal grievances
with family or friends on facebook for all to see.
This T-shirt?  Says it all.
It should be a requirement that this list of rules be prominently
posted in every little league field, every basketball court,
every soccer field, tennis court, lacrosse field, etc. etc. etc.
 Just sayin.

Ramble along with me, won’t you?

 On the face of it, we had a great weekend… lots of summer activities, good food, great weather.  I am grateful for every single day that are able to enjoy the good things in our lives.  This weekend’s snapshots below…

The Mr. harvesting onions… 
and talking business with someone.

Did you know that the onion plant grows a beautiful globe flower?….

and this is what they look like at ground level… ready to harvest.
When the tall leaves fall over, they’re done.

We went to the Chester Sunday Market again…
the men in this house are in love with the belgian chocolate milk we get
from Smyth Dairy and the artisan bread from a local baker…
Look at these beautiful carrots…
And this really big dog!  There are dog water bowls here and there
throughout the market, I just think that’s awesome.
Such a community vibe, kudos to those who put this idea together.

This is my stash….

and it went into last night’s campfire bundles…
You can use any variation on veggies…

There was another bonfire up on the hill….
These kids have all been friends since kindergarten..

I hope they’ll always remain good friends..
one of the jewels among the thorns in the crown of life.
They gathered again on Sunday at the Brownstone Quarry..
We did some of this…

..and there was some intense baby bunny watching…

..wonderful weekend, but I couldn’t get away from
something that’s been bothering me for some time now.
A small group of people in a particular political party
have turned debate on any big issues we have before us
here in this town, into a nasty spectacle.
They slander, they accuse, they use scare tactics
and personally attack those who are trying either through
elected office or through volunteer work  – to improve
conditions on many levels here in town.
It’s one thing to disagree and state your grievances and concerns..
quite another to personally attack, slander, spew out misinformation
and leave comments on news forums that are snyde and sarcastic.
Ironic that the ones who complain the most are not often
the ones who are actually trying to do something to fix the problems.
Sad that this is the climate in our little town…
 and the problem isn’t just here.
On a similar note…have you watched The Newsroom yet?
If you have the time and are so inclined, watch this video below…
..just a few minutes long.
It’s disturbing, yes… but profound as well.
tell me what you think.
But please, be kind in your response. 

Red, White and Blue

As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
 – George Washington
I hope so too, Mr. President.
 As screwed up as this country seems at times,
we’re still in far greater shape than many out there…
I am grateful and I hope we persevere.
Happy Freedom Day, All –
I’m making one of these versions today for tomorrow’s family picnic…

Sport’n Short

 I’ve had longish hair for most of my life…
except for when my mother imposed that hideous
Pixie cut on me back in the day.
Between sporting the Pixie and
those striped matching  Danskin outfits…
you know.. that weird material kind that never wrinkled, EVER?…
..I still bear the emotional wreckage.
Love you, Mom!
a few weeks ago I looked in the mirror and saw
a scraggly haired middle aged woman
whos face looked a bit pulled downward.
Gravity is not our friend as we begin to age…
and it was plain as day that I was avoiding
something that needed doing.
That little voice inside.. you know the one..
said loud and clear…
The HAIR, Karen… DO something about THE HAIR.
Normally this decision is made over long periods of time
as I hem and haw and browse magazines and celebrity pics
searching for that much needed haircut.
Somehow, the two times a year I might have wandered into the salon…
…no matter what the picture was that I had in my lap…
my insistence that it still stay “longish” worked against me
and I didn’t look much different coming out. 
I think it’s sort of a shield, the longer hair.. a layer of protection
between you and the bad stuff
 Or something.  
a few weeks ago I said.. enough.
I called my kids’ hair stylist because she’s really really cool.. just ask them..
and she said.. how about 3pm!
TODAY??… (gulp)
Yes, today!
And so THAT VERY DAY.. I went in.
No plan!  No pictures! Just did it.
And I said… Just cut it. ….Shorter. ….I mean it.
She meant it too…
With the very first snip there were four inches of hair in her hand.
and you know?  It’s just liberating.

The above is when I put effort into the cut…
This below is the reality most of the time.
Still messy yet uplifting in some spiritual way I haven’t yet been
able to put into words. 
I feel LIGHTER….
and lighter is good.  

Today the temps are supposed to soar to godawful.
So I picked peas and squash before high noon…

and I think I’m going to make these tonight…

recipe HERE

Come stroll through the gardens…

  …and I’ll share with you some of what’s been tugging at me lately.  Those who know me well might have over the years deemed me a bit… oh, shall we say.. restless.  I’ve worn many hats and have managed to pursue some interesting and creative endeavors.  My jobs outside the home have varied greatly but none are what you would call a bonafide career.  I have several talents, but am the master of none.   I know all too well what it feels like to be cooped up in a windowless office on a beautiful summer day.  And I know the dread of having to meet a deadline… still have those dreams… even the missing homework dreams!   I bet you know the ones.

    I know what it takes to be a  single working mom with a child in daycare, and a stay-at-home mom who’s social life revolves around the grocery store,  sticky cheerios, legos, dirty diapers, pooper scoopers and plastic wading pools.  I’m intimately familiar with the wonders and woes of owning your own business, of blending well and not so well with another in a  partnership. I know the joy of success and the sting of failure.

   What I NEVER knew was that all along, no matter what I was doing or not doing… who I was pleasing or not pleasing… as long as I was doing my best, doing what I felt was right, taking care of what needed tending and being kind whenever possible…- being the best me I am capable of being – …  It has  always been.. ENOUGH.     Even now,  as I find myself without a specific Job Title or an impressive long career at the age of 47…with  no little ones requiring my full attention 24-7 and no clock to punch…  I’m not sure what I will be next.  And you know.. I think I’m really OK with that.. with all of it. 

Why does it take us so long to approve of and embrace who we are…
no apologies, full acceptance.
If we don’t see our own worth,
how can we expect  anyone else to believe it?

My 18 year old niece wrote on her facebook wall recently…
” I wish I were a brown eyed brunette.”
She’s a beautiful blue eyed blonde. 