His & Hers

These are our kayaks…
Since my guy took so well to the water in our big blue clunker of a sea kayak last year,
this year Santa left him a brand spanking new one, 
a much sleeker design that he will just glide through that water in,
like the dew sliiiiiding off a cooool mint leaf…

(who can tell me where that line is from… ) 
Anyway… notice one of these things is not like the other?
His is still wrapped in it’s Placenta, hasn’t even been birthed yet. 
So, here’s hoping the heat settles down and the thunder and lightening storms go away
and with a little luck we might throw these babies in the back of the truck
and see how she floats. 
 I had originally ordered him a metallic blue version.
My thinking was that it was a manly color. Sorta like a sporty little car. 
He wasn’t having any of it… wanted to be as visible as possible just in case
Ok then. 

Morning paddle up the Salmon River

Glorious end of summer morning paddle
up the Salmon River – approximately 10 miles long..
We thought surely we did atleast 8..
but after consulting maps when we returned home
we realized we probably only did about… three. 
Absolutely perfect conditions for paddling… a light breeze,
the sun’s strength beginning to dimish into fall mode…
water smooth as glass in some places.

This would have been an awesome shot with my Canon…
you probably can’t see much of the cormorants on the log.
The iPhone was my  photo companion today.

Amazing how warm the water was…
and how clean it looked…. that was encouraging.
Much of the river was just two feet or so deep….
with much algae and vegetation illuminated by the sun.

…..like glass……

before heading back we sat for a bit
and admired this house perched on a crest…
no other houses around it.
I crept in close to get a better look and
saw that it was empty with a real estate sign at gate entrance.

Looks lovely, doesn’t it?  and the view is a magnificent cove
with just one other house across the way.  No neighbors, complete privacy.

When I got home I quickly googled it…
*you gotta be kidding*
I knew the price would be up there, because it’s right on the river…
but it’s in an area where homes are known for their decent prices
and this one was clearly UP THE RIVER AND WAY OUT IN THE WOODS.
Just 2 bedrooms.
Kinda cold interior, in my honest opinion.
$3.7  million as of last fall.
Maybe why it’s still empty.
Just sayin.

I think the Mr. is getting the hang of this kayak nonsense.
I believe this is the fifth time I’ve gotten him out there.
Pretty soon he’ll be sprouting fins  🙂

For those of you who are local, here’s a link to the Salmon River Boat launch
if you’d like to take the trip…