Just for Joan

 I found Joan’s blog when searching for info on Martha’s Vineyard.
Turns out, she loves it just as much as I do and has spent much time
with family there over the years.   She has stumped me many times with her
snippets, and so I thought I’d return the favor.
See previous post and come along to the Vineyard…
Joan, these photos are for you, let’s see if you can guess them all correctly.
Where were these photos taken?
A clue for the above…
10 .

Ferry over to there…

…with us, won’t you?
The guy and I took a four day hiatus over to Martha’s Vineyard.
This is our 25th Anniversary year and we figured we were due.
The kids stayed home with the critters, and did a fine job
as caretakers. Mom stayed at the house just to give
me Peace of Mind. I still have a teenager here, don’t ya know.
The manchild was a bit disgusted with the idea of a babysitter.
I explained that he did not have a babysitter,
we had an overseer of the happenings and the comings and goings at the homestead,
 that’s all.
Anyway, if you’ve been reading this little blog for very long, you know I’m a freak
with the camera and I have a ton of photos to share.
If you’re so inclined, join me for the next few days as I share with you this
wonderful place just a few hours from here.
First thing I noticed was the bomb/drug sniffing dog  and handler weaving through the traffic
at the ferry as we were waiting to board with the car.  That’s something we’ve not seen here before.
Someone noted the President will be visiting soon, maybe this is an early precaution.
The ferry ride over to the Vineyard is necessary unless you plan to fly in.
There are several boats you can take, large and small.
It’s about a 45 minute ride and comfortable.
If you’re planning a trip and want your car on island,
make sure you make reservations in advance so there’s room for your car on 
the days you want to go and return.  There is also bus and taxi service on island
and several car rentals.  Jeep and corvette!
We live near Long Island Sound in Connecticut, so our beaches and the waters
are not quite the blue hues we see in Massachusetts. 
The water here is so deeply blue- green -navy hued
and refreshing – the Ocean.
This is the Island Home ferry, docked at our destination, Vineyard Haven.
From here our first stop is usually The Black Dog Tavern,
where we have a delicious lunch and greet the two black dogs that represent the original namesake.
They’re waiting for me to throw a stick or a rock,
which they roll around in the water with their feet until it’s in shallow enough water
 for them to pick up with their teeth.
The interior of the tavern hasn’t changed much in many years.
For more info and history on the Black Dog in a previous post, visit here.
Tomorrow I’ll take you to Edgartown….

Good Dog

Hey local peeps!  Some of you know how much I love Martha’s Vineyard and one of my favorite stores/restaurant/bakery is The Black Dog, which originated on the Vineyard. I still have a BD t-shirt from a 1999 visit.    They have now branched out, and there are Black Dog stores in many places, not just the Vineyard.   The history of the Black Dog is legendary on island, and is the true essence of the place. For info on the founding of the Black Dog Tavern, click HERE.    Kinda hard for me to love the satellite stores that have popped up in other areas.  A visit to the original store and restaurant with a little history of the place and you’d understand what I mean.  It’s the vibe you don’t get anywhere else… the experience…and ofcourse.. the story of the original black dog.   exerpts from a story book…

“When a nor’easter blasts an island harbor, an orphaned black puppy finds shelter with the reluctant Captain Douglas, who vows, “This berth is only for tonight.” But when a neighbor promises to find a permanent owner, the captain agrees to foster the dog. As Captain Douglas prepares his topsail schooner for a six-month voyage, the unnamed dog wreaks havoc at home–shredding sails, knocking down a scrimshaw, chewing up charts and “piddling” on the oriental rug. At last the frustrated captain brings the dog to the harbor, where she proves herself an able sea-goer: “She knew where to go when the boat was coming about. She knew which side was to leeward.” The bond is set.” 

 This particular black dog became the mascot for the tavern, opened in 1971.
Original photo below.
Her  image is now depicted as a black lab most often, but she was a mutt,
and a stray mutt to boot. I’m thinking lab mixed with something else,
as is evident in the logo you see in so many places, made in her image. 

Anyway.. the Black Dog here in Mystic, CT put out this flyer, and I think it’s awesome. If you’re local and looking for a dog, give the Waterbury pound pups a chance.. Happens TODAY!!  see info below.

Looking for a new best four-legged friend? You may just find one at the Mystic Black Dog General Store. Tomorrow, June 8 from 11 to 4 pm adoptable dogs from the Waterford-East Lyme ACO are visiting the store. 10% of our Mystic Store sales that day will be donated to the ACO. So come on down and enjoy the fun.

One of my favorite places on Earth


ave you ever visited a place for the very first time and had the immediate feeling of “home”?  This is the case for me and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.  My first trip was as a young adult visiting my aunt and uncle, who rented a house there. It was love at first sight as we cruised into Vineyard Haven Harbor on  the ferry…the sailboats.. the sea captains homes… this beautiful rustic seaside island not far off the coast.  Looking down off the bow, the cold water churns a  clean, clear deep turquoise and navy blue.  I knew right away I could live there very happily.

 How to describe the Vineyard vibe… well, unfortunately it has become very popular during summer months over the years with celebrities and politicians…. particularly Presidents.  This has made it a very populated touristy destination and real estate prices have soared.  There are lines at ice cream stands, waits at the restaurants, traffic through the towns,  but you can also get away from it all to the more rural parts of the island… Menemsha, Chilmark, Aquinnah… Tisbury.  There are country fairs, Illumination night at the Campgrounds, artisan flea markets, Organic produce stands… horse farms and trailriding, sailing, biking at it’s best.  The beaches!! ooh, that wild South Beach… beware the undertow!… but behold the beauty.

  This morning I booked a long weekend at the end of the summer for the family ( kids agreed to go! I think they like us!…. at the moment) and already I can smell the salty sea air and taste the Black Dog fish & chips.    I check the real estate market on island occasionally, waiting for just the right little cottage to come up for sale at the right price. So far it hasn’t happened and maybe it never will, but the search itself brings me joy, imagining the possibilities regardless of  whether they ever unfold.

  Below are pictures from previous trips…
Waiting for the ferry…
My two with  a cousin at Gay Head Beach…

Bike riding in Edgartown…

 Joseph Sylvia State Beach, great  for those with young children who
want a quiet surf….

Edgartown Harbor

Gay head light… Aquinnah

Just below the cliffs is a nude beach if you’re so inclined….

Edgartown homes…

South Beach

Campground Cottages in Oak Bluffs…
If I won the lottery!…. well, you, too can own one of these
charming seasonal cottages for about $500,000.
Not bad considering the location!…

Vineyard Haven Docks at the Black Dog Tavern…

Just a magical place…
When I look back over the pictures,
I see so many smiling faces…
Looking forward to the return “home”.